hlep with fonts
  • I am in need of a "dingbat" type of font with musical symbols. I need 1/4-note, sharp, flat, natural, and possibly a couple of others for strictly text purposes. All "music notation" fonts I've found have white space above and blow the actual symbol which throw my 12 pt. text way off. I've even tried the international ALT-'code #', but that does exactly the same thing. Help!
  • These all look fine for me with several different typefaces, including Lucida Sans Unicode.

    Quarter note: ♩
    Eight note: ♪
    Flat: ♭
    Natural: ♮
    Sharp: ♯
  • I don't know how to edit the discussion. Evidently (at this time of the morning) I need "hlep" with more that fonts!
  • Yes. They look good. But they increase the line height of the rest of the text. "Dingbats", etc. don't do that.
  • http://simplythebest.net/fonts/fonts/musical_symbols.html

    Thanks for pointing out that dingbats don't change height....very useful to know!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,876

    are you on Mac or PC? And which app do you use to create typeset music? Font issues vary from system to system and app to app.
  • JamJam
    Posts: 636
    the closest thing I can find for you only includes notes on an actual staff... it is called Lassus and is available for free download here. There's also this but that's stretching it... :/
  • I only use PCs (but I am anything but "PC" myself)! I use Finale for the music composition, and MSWord for my documents. My need is for musical symbols inserted into the text without ruining the formatting.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    If you use Finale, can you not use the Maestro font that's on your PC now? Or does that ruin your line height?
    Depending on what you're doing, you can also export pics out of Finale.
  • Yes, Maestro (and all the optional notation fonts for Finale) are basically 24pt. for the symbol (somewhere in the middle) to be 12 pt. That's the problem. I might try to export tiny graphics for the few symbols I need, but I foresee problems with that also.