Thanks, Noel! I will use these with beginning choristers and my own children.
If you are still between employment opportunities, no one can say you are wasting time promoting chant! The site looks great, and thanks for your work.
One message like yours makes this all worthwhile! Thanks. I can add more chant pages to the sheets...anyone wanting to make suggestions - episema and so on, I'll consider them.
The big thing is the coloring...using art to engrave in the brain the shape.
Many people seem to see chant as a totally linear thing, start here and go through the maze to get there, the end. By working with the Graduale Simplex which uses neume groupings sparingly, it seems easier to view the neume groupings as glorious elaborations, ornamentations on a single note that has exploded, seemingly on its own, into something of beauty.
And that's the glory of the Graduale Romanum....the more difficult chants are a fireworks show op epic proportions....and sometimes become an epic fail, proving our humanity.
But we all try to sing like angels and are auditioning for that choir everyday.
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