I downloaded said pdf file, but my Adobe Acrobat will NOT open it!!!
Just last month, I scanned Cantus Selecti. A very clear copy, if I do say so myself.
I would be most happy to share it with Musica Sacra. Just give me the address
to which I can US-Mail a disk.
Paraclete Press sells new copies of the book used for the above scan (yes, I have now been able to open it!). It is published by Solesmes. Sells for $19.95 and has a very good quality hard binding.
I had the good fortune to see a copy this past weekend. Note: It is a reprint of the original 1949 book with some modifications. Its reprint dates have been 1995 and 2007 (the one that is available for sale).
The copy that I scanned is an original 1957 imprimatur edition with a 1952 copywright.
This edition has all of the music in the 1949 (2007 reprint) edition with just one chant that has been exchanged for another, PLUS it has a substantial SUPPLEMENT and NOTATIONS (Adnotationes) in Latin about every song in the book.
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