Need a hymn for St. Cecilia
  • henry
    Posts: 242
    Need a hymn for our school Mass on Nov. 22. Looked in St. Basil and St. Gregory hymnals, but can't find a hymn to St. Cecilia. Internet search just brings-up Benjamin Britten - a bit our of our reach. Anyone know of a decent hymn to this Saint? Thanks
  • First one that comes to mind.
  • JamJam
    Posts: 636
    A Hymn for St. Cecilia

    for s.a.t.b. and organ, by Ursula Vaughan Williams (words) and Herbert Howells (music)

    we sang it in the University Chorale last spring. It's beautiful.
  • hemry - Can you email me at I have a hymn for you on St Cecilia
  • Mark P.
    Posts: 248
    "Let the Deep Organ Swell the Lay" is No. 105 in the St. Gregory Hymnal.
  • Richard Proulx has a nice "Hymn to St. Cecilia".

    There's a full PDF preview, and a recording sample on that page.