Chant notation for "Exaudi nos..."
  • Does anyone know where I can find the chant notation for "Exaudi nos, Domine sancte...", sung by the celebrant at the altar, after the Asperges and responses? I am helping a priest with his chants for the EF Mass. Neither he nor I can find it, despite multiple searches and queries. It is not in the Roman Missal.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,012
    A couple of years ago, when I used to attend Mass in Rotterdam Cathedral, the celebrant used to sing this on the simple tone (Liber Usualis pages 101-102) if I remember correctly:


    Exaudi nos, Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus : † et mittere digneris sanctum Angelum tuum de caelis ; * qui custodiat, foveat, protegat, visitet, atque defendat omnes habitantes in hoc habitaculo.
    Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
    R. Amen.

    Of course, I'm not sure this is indeed the way it should be sung.
  • There was a German site, part of Una Voce I think, that might have this, but the main site is down....

    However, and this is off-topic, I found this, someone taking a Latin chant and inserting a German translation, apparently not to be sung.

    There is an example attached.
  • > Does anyone know where I can find the chant notation for "Exaudi nos, Domine sancte...", sung by the celebrant at the altar, after the Asperges and responses?

    According to the 1961 Graduale Romanum (downloadable from this site), the Ferial Tone in its version B) (p. 115*) is used, or as an alternative the Ancient Simple Tone (pp. 118*-119*).

    > I found this, someone taking a Latin chant and inserting a German translation, apparently not to be sung.

    These documents are prepared by Anton Stingl junior for the OF of the Roman Rite. He follows the melodies in the Proposals for the restoration of melodies in the Graduale Romanum edited by Rupert Fischer, Luigi Agustoni, Johannes Berchmans Göschl, Liobgid Koch, Heinrich Rumporst, Alexander M. Schweitzer, Stephan Zippe, Inga Behrendt, Franco Ackermans, Bernard Huber, Joseph Kohlhäufl, and eventually someone else (not everybody worked in all the 25 or so parts published till now). Saint Gall neums are included alongside with a German translation of the texts.
  • > There was a German site, part of Una Voce I think, that might have this, but the main site is down....

    Perhaps it was one of the several sites run by Holger Peter Sandhofe, editor of the Nocturnale Romanum for the EF, who passed away in 2005 when he was 33. (I have his once freely available files online here.)
  • dvalerio:

    Thank you, these are the files. How sad.

    Ostrowski Alert - these may be of interest!
  • Many thanks to all three of you! I could not find it in the Liber U., smvanroode, but dvalerio has suggested the 1961 Graduale; it is not in the 1974 version, of course.
  • The pages I mentioned concern the 1961 edition, available here. The 1974 edition only includes two of the four (actually 5) tones from the 1961 edition:

    tone A, 1974 -- tonus festivus 1961
    missing, 1974 -- tonus ferialis A, 1961
    missing, 1974 -- tonus ferialis B, 1961
    tone B, 1974 -- tonus solemnis, 1961
    missing, 1974 -- tonus simplex, 1961

    (We're still far from the 1871 Ratisbon edition that only gave the tonus ferialis and that would have to do for all prayers of all Masses...)
  • dvalerio, thank you. I downloaded the entire 1961 Graduale (I have the 1974 Graduale (book). I have printed out the pages that you mentioned earlier (115, 118-119). I searched considerably in the 1961; can find the Exaudi nos...sancte Pater prayer text, but no indication of the chant notation. I have heard this exaudi prayer multitudinous times but right now cannot remember the melody. You indicated ferial tones two and four. Is this exaudi prayer sung on the psalm tones on those pages? Otherwise, I am not sure how to "fit" the text to the melodies given (Introit melody, mode 2 for ferial tone two- - p. 115; introit melody, mode 7, for ferial tone four, pp.118-119. In any case, I will need to write out the chant notation for this priest, with the words beneath of course.
  • > I have printed out the pages that you mentioned earlier (115, 118-119).

    Please notice that the pages I mentioned are rather 115* and 118*-119*. Page numbering is restarted when passing from the propers to the ordinary, and pages are distinguished by an asterisk. For reasons I cannot fathom my Adobe Reader rather requires the page number to be inserted as *115, but in any case you can get there by scrolling down.

    The Gloria Patri tones found for Introit verses are not the prayer tones I mentioned. In the correct pages, you will find no example and no score for ferial tone B, just a description. It's sung recto tono, and after the last accent drop half tone:

    C C C C C C C C C C C B B C C C C C C C B
    Exáudi nos Dómine ... hoc habitáculo. Per Christum Dominum nostrum,

    I hope the lines above do not get misaligned. In any case, I bet there will be no problem if the priest uses the ferial tone A, which is just recto tono. Fairly easy I'd say.

    For the simple tone, there is an example in the Graduale, and Steven van Roode marked the * and the † above. If you really need a score that will not be hard to prepare.
  • Many thanks, again. I will go to those pages- - with the asterisk, as you specified. I have already advised this priest that he may use recto tono, but I think he prefers to learn the melodies.