Prayers for Mary Rose Garych
  • Dear Friends,

    Some of you are blessed to know, or to have met, an angelic young woman by the name of Mary Rose Garych. I think she is around 19 years of age. Jonathan and I met her at the Sacred Music Colloquium in June, and were grateful recipients of her kindness (she has been attending the Colloquium since she was 14!). From the beginning I could tell there was a special goodness about her, even beyond her warm presence and radiant eyes.

    Today, she needs your prayers. Her mother writes:

    "I don't know if I might have mentioned it to you, but Mary Rose has been unwell for the past two years, and was actually quite ill in Pittsburgh. After returning home from the Colloquium, her condition drastically worsened and is now very serious. She is currently bedridden, debilitatingly weak, and barely able to walk with a walker. She can do very little for herself, and is in constant, severe pain. The doctors are all mystified, as her many prior diagnoses should not be making her this ill. We are currently awaiting test results that we pray will give us the answer. If you, in your charity, would say a prayer for her, it would be most appreciated."

    In your charity, then, please join me in praying for this God-loving Catholic young lady, that she would be healed from this sickness, find relief from her suffering, grow ever closer to Christ and His Blessed Mother, and receive every grace and help from heaven during this painful trial. Pray also for her family and especially her devoted mother, Katie. Thank you and God bless you!
  • This is so sad. She is a beautiful young woman of God. You bet I will pray for her.
  • I'm shocked by this news. I hope that we can all have updates here, if possible.
  • Jeff,
    Wendy and I now enjoin our prayers with yours for Mary Rose (whom I remember quite well.)
    Charles Culbreth
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    This is terrible news! Let's storm Heaven for her, friends!
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 324
    How sad! She and I were "suite mates" this last Colloquium, and it was at that time that her mother explained her condition to me. I'm sending this prayer request on to the religious order of which I'm an oblate.
  • I took the liberty of asking Fr Pierre to offer prayers in Rome for her.
  • Thanks, everyone. I'll send these comments to Katie Garych, which I hope will give Mary Rose a lift. And I will post any updates she gives me.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I am shocked as well - I had some wonderful conversations with Mary Rose at the Colloquium. My prayers are with her.

    An unfortunate part of holiness and sainthood is suffering, as we saw with Pope John Paul II. It seems unfair.

    Health and peace to Mary Rose!

  • Mary Rose's mom mentioned at the Colloquium that MR hadn't been feeling well, but I'm shocked that she's taken such a bad turn. She genuinely is a blessing and I'll keep her in my prayers.
  • We are praying for you every day Mary Rose. I do hope that you will be able to come to the CMAA next year. You are an inspiration to us.
    Ann Labounsky
  • Dear Friends,

    I received this from Katie Garych yesterday:

    "Thank you for sending the many kind comments along. I have been printing them all for Mary Rose, and she is so happy and grateful to receive them. Knowing that so many faithful friends (and caring strangers!) are keeping her in prayer not only lifts her spirits, but also gives her the strength to persevere through the more difficult moments. As a result of your efforts, Mary Rose has also received e-mails and Facebook posts that brighten her days. Thanks to the many prayers for enlightenment and guidance for the doctors, we feel that they are close to identifying this new condition. Tests results within a week should tell for sure. I will be sure to keep you updated as we learn anything new."

    Also, it appears that Katie is receiving Mary Rose's Facebook messages and passing them on, so if you're on Facebook you can send her some encouraging words along with your prayers. And do let's keep praying!
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Thank you Jeff for the posts. Although I didn't get to know her at the Colloquium, I am praying for her, and I'm sure that there are many people here praying for her also.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    Prayers for her.
  • Maureen
    Posts: 679
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Please continue to pray for Mary Rose and her family. From the kind email I got today, "Mary Rose's suffering is quite intense."
    ( Also my heart goes with her mom. How hard for the parents to watch her child suffer so much. )
  • How very sad. I will pray for a miracle indeed.
  • mhjell
    Posts: 32