Personalities and celebrating mediocrity
  • So yes, the devil works twice as hard during Holy Week.....
    One of our choir altos had a major outburst this week. Come to find out she decided this was the best time to stop her Prozac- cold turkey.
    We have a good musician (who's voice is recovering from an illness nonetheless), who cannot understand why others are cantoring and she is not. She only wishes to sing a solo of some sort to make herself feel better.
    In the past year, the choir has grown musically beyond imagine and is singing lovely, beautiful selections and all she is worried about is herself. This gal has a degree in music and is one that can understand the difference between quality and....well.
    Does anyone else deal with the 'me' factor and the celebrating mediocrity factor?
    Pass the wine.
  • JDE
    Posts: 586
    Alas, you're right. One of my basses, who lows in a quarter-tone-flat bellow and is always an eighth note behind (if not more), is driving me absolutely nuts. Sadly, this guy is really well connected politically and has always been a big booster for the choir, so I can't turn him out; besides, we only have three basses. (rolls eyes)

    I had a soprano quit on me a few years ago, for the fourth time. Every other time she had declined to give a reason, but then she gave me a huge blast of wounded ego after I assigned a solo to another singer. And tonight, my aforementioned bass mysteriously lost his tenuous grasp on the concept of half steps. Now, even though the programs have already been printed, we're changing the repertoire because I can't tolerate a disaster -- or even a mediocrity.

    Pass me a drink, please. I think I'm going to have to have a difficult conversation with my errant bass after Easter. He's dragging the whole group down (and backwards). And while that will reduce the bass section considerably, I have to trust that closing that door will let the Lord open a window for us.
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    God bless you all.
    I would join in, but I made a confession last night, mostly about my lack of charity in the impatience I feel, (I'd actually been to confession 5 days earlier, and also talked with a spiritual director about my need for the virtue of patience, but couldn't wait till, say, NEXT WEEK to go again.... what does THAT tell you about how well I'm doing?)
    Any way, I am going to TRY to have patience and assume that everyone else has his reasons...
    (But I am amused by the fact that apparently the same fellow sings in Yurodivi's and my choir...)

    Save the Liturgy, Save the World!
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,203
    Once again we discover that as DM's we're as much psychologists/social workers as masters of an ancient art.

    I may be tempting fate, but with the exception of one particular volunteer who directs our "contemporary ensemble" and who was, who is, and ever shall be a thorn in every one's side (no joke, even the pastor's given up on trying to deal with her) and who has a penchant for sending truly unpleasant e-mails at the worst times, things have been otherwise quiet in the music program.

    This is my second Holy Week with this staff and volunteers, and folks seem to be just staying out of my way this year instead of piling on and "needling" me unnecessarily.

    To what do I attribute this? I pray the LOTH (OoR and either MP or EP) every day, and after the general intercessions I include my own. In the litany of people I pray for I include the staff, and especially those who have caused me unhappiness or grief. It may sound trite, hackneyed or precious, but nevertheless it's true. Pray for them. Pray with them if necessary.
  • I, too, made my confession yesterday. But, Deo gratias, the choristers of my two groups have for 15 years not given me cause to venture towards the occasion of sin, by and large. Were it so that I could make the same statement about the clerics with whom I've attempted to collaborate.
    Have a transforming Triduum, everyone.
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    Let us all be thankful for what we have. On good days, my choir has enough tenors and altos to sing 3 parts in a 4 part arrangement. On not-so-good days, we just sing the melody. This used to bother me a lot, but then I just took the attitude that I was the only person that was disappointed in not being able to do more - the congregation certainly doesn't know the difference, and God, I hope, is pleased that we are doing anything.
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,203
    My, the lines of communication to heaven must have been jammed yesterday.

    I made my confession yesterday as well.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,486
    Ok, I agree that this choir thing is really trying at times, and it just doesn't seem to get better. BUT to cheer ya all up, last Sunday at our parish, at the choir mass, our pastor and the choir presented gifts (including a Pope Benedict medal from his recent pilgramage) to one of our choir members who has been singing in the choir for 50 years! Now y'all top that one!