We have been following the progress of the Parish Book of Chant which is available in Printed, Hardbound format or free, as a download.
Traditional thought is that giving it away will kill sales. Jeffrey Tucker and others (I don't know who) made a very interesting decision in releasing this book as they did. Interesting move.
We've released our The Catholic Choirbook 1 in the same manner as a trial balloon. The free downloads have been very popular. Very, very popular. The majority of downloads go outside the US. It is very fulfilling to know that Catholic Choirs throughout Africa, New Zealand, Vietnam, the UK, Malaysia, the Phillipines and more are singing truly Catholic Music because of we have made it available.
And recently we added a page with some links to audio files from Saint Antoine Daniel Gregorian Chant Ordinaries to an index page of The Parish Book of Chant and sent notice out to that to the people who have requested the Choirbook downloads. Hope to complete the index and add more audio soon. This PBC page is at www.basicchant.com.
These churches downloading include many churches that cannot afford the postage to ship music to them, or even the cost of the books. This is something we did not expect, and the number of downloads goes up every day. It is really, really amazing to see the places this book has gone to.
So, we are making another leap. Our new A Beginner's Guide To Singing Gregorian Chant Notation, Rhythm and Solfeggio may be purchased at our site, www.basicchant.com, J.W. Pepper (yeah!) and Amazon.com.
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