Chanted Responses for General Intercessions
  • I searched around in the archives for a discussion of appropriate chant settings (in Latin and in English) for the General Intercessions, but I didn't find anything particularly helpful.

    Has anyone out there prepared, either for Mass booklets or choirs or cantors, suitable chanted responses?

    For a start, attached is a PDF with three pairs of chants (what the cantor sings, followed by the response), of which we have used the first two.

    But I am looking for others, and especially in English.
    RESPONSES for the General Intercessions.pdf
  • Aren't these from the PBC?
  • Here are poor EPS copies of what is in By Flowing Waters: Chant for the Liturgy. I can improve their appearance if you find them useful.
    Appendix 2 Universal Prayer.pdf
  • Jeffrey,

    I'm not sure -- they might be there, too, but I got them from my memory, from hearing them on Solesmes recordings.


    Thanks for these pages -- after I posted, I said to myself: "Why didn't I pull down my copy of BFW," so you beat me to it!

    Anyone else have items to share?
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    The invocations from Kyrie XVI, as well as those from the Kyrie at the beginning of the Litany, are suggested as responses (among several others) in a publication by my Bishops' conference.
  • Aaron
    Posts: 110
    I have used the "A" response from BFW for the last three years. We sing the intercessions and use this response during Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter Seasons, and all Solemnities.
  • Erik P
    Posts: 152
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,824
    Another source you may have very near is the Litany of Saints. In the Catholic Community Hymnal, the fa mi re do re mi fa response is slurred "Lo-ord he-ar o-ur pray'r", much more familiar to the PIPs than BFW's one-note-per-word HOPL,HOP. Having just been to Don Giovanni, I cant help hearing "Zitto, di Donna Elvira, Signor la voce io sento" (II,ii).