I searched around in the archives for a discussion of appropriate chant settings (in Latin and in English) for the General Intercessions, but I didn't find anything particularly helpful.
Has anyone out there prepared, either for Mass booklets or choirs or cantors, suitable chanted responses?
For a start, attached is a PDF with three pairs of chants (what the cantor sings, followed by the response), of which we have used the first two.
But I am looking for others, and especially in English.
The invocations from Kyrie XVI, as well as those from the Kyrie at the beginning of the Litany, are suggested as responses (among several others) in a publication by my Bishops' conference.
I have used the "A" response from BFW for the last three years. We sing the intercessions and use this response during Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter Seasons, and all Solemnities.
Another source you may have very near is the Litany of Saints. In the Catholic Community Hymnal, the fa mi re do re mi fa response is slurred "Lo-ord he-ar o-ur pray'r", much more familiar to the PIPs than BFW's one-note-per-word HOPL,HOP. Having just been to Don Giovanni, I cant help hearing "Zitto, di Donna Elvira, Signor la voce io sento" (II,ii).
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