Nuptial Mass introit Deus Israel in English
  • I'm trying to find a version of the Nuptial Mass introit Deus Israel in English. Does anyone know if it's in the Plainchant Gradual? (the PDF version is abysmally slow) Any leads you may have would be helpful.

    The text of the introit is "Deus Israel conjungat vos, et ipse sit vobiscum, qui misertus est duobus unicis: et nunc, Domine, fac eos plenius benedicerete."
    A rough English translation is "May the God of Israel join you together: and may He be with you, who was merciful to two only children: and now, O Lord, make them bless Thee more fully."
  • ref_scottref_scott
    Posts: 90
    Some discussions that might help:

    I also have a copy of a version of Deus Israel by Aime Simont probably from the early 1900s if you are interested. It has the text in both English and Latin, arranged for voice and organ.
  • Ryan, did you ever find this? I have it (somewhere) if it’s still of use.

    The nuptial propers are in Burgess/Palmer 1st edition, but the 2nd edition, which is much more widely available, omits this and some of the other sets. I cannot fathom why, as particularly the nuptial propers are so useful!
  • WGS
    Posts: 300
    Here is a faux bourdon setting of the Nuptial Mass Introit in English. It was used for my wedding in 1965. (Pardon the quality of the scan. I'm sure my "original" is the result of several copies. Still, I think you'll get the idea.)
    Nuptial Introit001.pdf