We're getting a new pastor and assistant priest at the Novus Ordo parish I play/cantor at on Saturdays. Tomorrow I have to play a funeral there and I rarely, if ever, sing hymns at funeral masses. I am really familiar with the EF Requiem Mass and usually I sing the propers at the OF ones as well...but I have no idea what to expect with the new pastor. He may ask for...hymns...
So I'm looking for some advice, what are some appropriate hymns you might play? Lead Kindly Light and the ghastly "On Eagles Wings" (which I refuse to play) are two that come to mind. Perhaps Faith of Our Fathers?
And I can't remember the name, off-hand, but I was trying to establish the Introit Hymn for All Souls from Christopher Tietze's book as the "default" entrance hymn at our parish.
Any good hymnization of appropriate psalms (The King of Love My Shepherd Is for the 23rd Psalm, for instance)
"Jesus, Word Incarnate" I think is one in the WLP hymnal. There's a superb one in the Hymnal 1982 (yes, protestants have more hymns for the Holy Souls than Catholics) "Christ the Victorious" which may be public domain. "Out of the Deep" to the tune WEBB is also appropriate.
Many Vets will need "Eternal Father, Strong to Save". If you have a copy of the Armed Forces Service Book and Hymnal (which you should! It has a very good Catholic selection.) you will find extra verses for many special occasions and military units - something like 24 all together.
"Hail Queen of Heaven" (tune "Stella") has a verse that mentions the dead. So it would be good especially in parishes of Marian patronage.
"I Know That My Redeemer Lives" --- Duke Street
"I Heard the Voice of Jesus say" ---- Kingsfold
"The Living God My Shepherd is" ---- Brother James Air
"Lord of All Hopefulness" ---- Slane
"Shepherd of Souls" St Agnes
Heart of Jesus (stuttgart) Panis Angelicus (but in English...) Just a Closer Walk with Thee (i know i know...)
I came prepared to sing the propers, as normal, but got shot down right away.
I am very depressed about what is happening. The parish will now most likely go from having mostly gregorian propers on Saturday evenings (for the last 2 years) to the normal OF fare with contemporary music. I believe this is the case especially after having met the new pastor and deacon.
So ... how many mourners sang the selections? what is the value of picking any in preference to the Propers? how many sang the Ordinary (which is their obligation to sing)?
How many sang the hymns? I think I heard one or two, everyone else was silent and didn't even pick up the missalettes. That is exactly the point, people who are generally crying do not want to sing at mass. The ordinary? The same. The pastor barely sang it too, even though we used the well known "Mass of Paul VI".
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