Jeff has outdone himself in the form of a late afternoon session that he is repeating each day. He's done some amazing ground-breaking work on the singing of Gregorian Chant that made me wonder how many people would go running out into the street yelling and screaming "heresy" - this, however did not occur, possibly due to the impending rain storm with thunder and lightning...a storm that, when it did hit offered the once in a lifetime sight of Maestro Wilko Brouwers practically donning a clear garbage can bag to brave the elements...and heading off across the campus.
Of course, since they stayed they found out the truth behind it all.
Soon Ostrowski plans to post it all, slides and music samples, on the net so those at home may dip into the new well.
I hope to attend tomorrow. I gather that he brings an element of reality to the decisions behind the printed chant books we read, showing that they are not cap R Revelation but the work of human hands, shaping divine things. Is that right? I don't want to spoil it but so far as I can tell, this is his emphasis. Sounds great to me.
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