Dear all,
Our Gregorian Schola is rather new, although many of have been singing the chant for years. Several years ago our bishop gave permission to celebrate the "Extraordinary Form" of the Latin Rite Mass in our county (although I understand his permission was not really needed).
My Liturgical question is this: We have been asked by another parish to sing for a Mass celebrating the end of the Year for Priests. They wish it to be a Gregorian Novus Ordo Mass, and is to occur sometime in the later part of June or possibly early in July, and must be on a weekday. There are two feast days, it seems to me at least. on which we could hold this event, and for which chant exists, The Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, but we are not yet certain if we can hold this event on those days (June 24th and June 29th, respectively). I was wondering if there is something like a votive Mass of Gregorian Chant that could be used on any weekday for the special purpose celebration we are planning?
Thanks very much for your help.
Robert Johnson
There are in the Roman Missal Missae ad diversa, of which no. 6, Pro sacerdotibus of the collection Pro Sancta Ecclesia might be appropriate. The following are the chants for this mass:
IN. Sacerdotes Dei or Sacerdotes eius GR. Iuravit Dominus or Sacerdotes eius AL. Ego vos elegi de mundo or Iuravit Dominus OF. Gloriabuntur or Inveni David CO. Introibo ad altare Dei, with Psalm 42,
Robert Johnson, It seems to me you have a number of possibilities for the post-1970 Missal. Every day of the year has its set of Gregorian propers, in the Graduale Romanum. For weekdays of ordinary time, the propers of the preceding Sunday are normally used. The two feast days you mention would be great occasions for a special Mass. Also, on an ordinary weekday, you could use a Missa ad diversa as suggested above.
Another possibility is a votive Mass, such as the Holy Spirit, Sacred Heart, Our Lady, or a parish or diocesan patron saint. Since you mention that your schola is new, you might consider a votive Mass that they already know, or may have occasion to sing again. For example, a Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit would use several chants from Pentecost. Votive Masses of the Holy Trinity and Sacred Heart use the chants from those feasts. (I don't know of a votive Mass for Gregorian chant, but one could offer a votive Mass of St Gregory or St Cecilia.) Best wishes for your schola.
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