Richard Rice is Busy as a Bumblebee
  • mjballoumjballou
    Posts: 994
    If you're looking for something new and different - maybe difficult, maybe not, I would suggest a visit to Richard Rice's website. I'm prowling for new works to balance old in upcoming concerts and the Four Marian Antiphons for SSA are certainly high on my list.

    There's lots more to him that the "Communio" project that we know and love. Check it out. If not for your ensemble, maybe you could recommend his works to someone else.

    And no, I have no personal stake in this. I'm just happy whenever anything decent and performable shows up for female voices.
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    wow, it's just thrilling to see how he has developed his site. Truly, this man has become the bridge from the whole of liturgical-music history to our own times and into the future. His name will go down in history. He is the Guido D'Arezzo for the digital age.
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,201
    Having sung his simple choral gradual antiphons for the last six months, I can say that there are true gems in that collection. Beauty comes sometimes in simple packages.
  • BachLover2BachLover2
    Posts: 330
    i am enjoying listening to his etudes:
  • Richard R.
    Posts: 776
    "And no, I have no personal stake in this."

    I'm not sure I do either, MJ, but it's nice to have a fan.

    DC area readers can hear some of my secular vocal pieces on Tuesday, June 8 at The Lyceum in Alexandria, VA. The 7:30 pm free concert features New York tenor Christopher Preston Thompson and local mezzo Marjorie Bunday in works by living composers (living, as of press time), including Ned Rorem and Elizabeth Vercoe. New York composer Richard Pearson Thomas will accompany his own works. Info at