I have been studying this for awhile, working on a review. I suggest that this is a book that should be in every choir director's library for reference and also in the hands of your choir members. Appearing to be created for a religious order that wishes to sing in Latin and English at Mass and the Liturgical Hours. it is an excellent book for the purpose.
If you have a singing congregation that loves to sing....put this on your wish list for the congregation.
Reading the Foreword by late Erik Routley, and from the quality of the music one might be fooled into thinking that this is an Anglican Choirbook. But when one has time to sort through it they would be convinced if only because Roman Catholic publishers over the last 50 years have proved that they are totally incapable of creating and marketing such a book.
Take one nun and put her to work and you can quickly prove them wrong. Of course, this book was not created to make a profit....on earth.
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