I have a choir that is truly at the "beginning" of development and yet is responsible for a mass every week. Until my arrival, psalms consisted of a variety of Haugen and other purported "settings". i decided to sing the chabanel psalms in choir as a means of drawing their attention to text, "sung speech". After a year and half of experience with them, I have to say they have been crucial in my choir's development in terms of vowel shape, shape of a phrase and learning to pay attention to text as a means of communication. It is my understanding that while these settings were not designed for choral usage, they really work well as a great teaching tool, as a bridge to more difficult settings and as a help with chant.
I marvel that my very beginning group has learned so much from these settings. From a year and half ago until today has been a journey. But isnt that part of the fun.:)
From one choirmasters desk. Thanks Jeff and all the folks at the Watershed
(Busyness has prevented me from posting lately).
Disclaimer: This was an unsolicited kudo on my part.
These psalms have also aided our choir in developing an ear for sacred music. They have learned how to develop rhythms out of texts and groups rather than a metered tempo within a contemporary from. But most of all ( from the very first ), I noticed among the congregation a dramatic stillness in the church when the verses were proclaimed from the Chabanal psalms. All the shuffling and coughing stop(ed)s immediately- an observable active participation through listening. We now are singing communion propers from the Gradual too.
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