"We are pleased to announce that the revised English translation of the third typical edition of the Roman Missal has been granted by the Holy See. It is most likely that the revised Roman Missal will be implemented for liturgical use on November 27, 2011, the First Sunday of Advent.
"This is a very exciting time in the life of the Church and LTP continues to provide the resources you need to prepare your parish for the implementation of the Roman Missal.
Visit www.RevisedRomanMissal.org, for the most up-to-date information about the revised Roman Missal to download FREE products that that will help you in your pastoral ministry."
Although all links are enabled now, the site still has the text "Please note that all links below have been disabled until which time we are given permission to re-enable them. In the meantime, please use this form to have these sent directly to your e-mail address.". Perhaps this message can be removed?
Here's a routine reminder: Be principled not polemical.
Amongst the settings listed by Jeffrey above there is not a version of Gloria IV (Cunctipotens genitor Deus). Can someone put me onto this if it is available.
Wouldn't it be fantastic if we had two or three really great English chants for the Gloria (for example) in the commons, and then composers could write numerous unison / polyphonic, accompanied / unaccompanied, congregational / choral parts to be sung in alternation (at the double bars) with the parts that, being standard, the congregation would already know? You could then change music from season to season, week to week, or even from Mass to Mass (depending on resources available), and the congregation would still be able to participate in the singing regardless. Why this wasn't the model before, I don't know. But the new translation gives us this opportunity.
@incantu, you are brilliant! @:osborn, one answer might be: don't use those settings! on the other hand, you'd be surprised at the variety that existed with regard to text setting in medieval times.
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