Gone with the WHAT?!?
  • Chris AllenChris Allen
    Posts: 150
    This video popped up on my YouTube "recommended" list. Looks like a remake of Gone with the Wind Bratwurst.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,516
    This video reminds me of an old joke.

    There were these two men in religious formation. One was a Franciscan and the other was a Jesuit. They were taking classes together, and since they both smoked they often met outside on their smoke breaks. They got to talking about how difficult it was to go through a holy hour without a cigarette, so they made a pact. They decided that each would approach his superior and ask permission to smoke during prayer time.

    The Franciscan went to his superior and said, "Fr. Master, would it be all right if I smoke while I pray?" The superior was overcome with indignation. "Brother, you are a Franciscan! You shouldn't even be smoking! You should be caring for your body--God's creation--and you should be taking more steps to follow your vow of poverty. No, of course you many not smoke while you pray!"

    The Jesuit went to his superior and said, "Fr. Master, would it be all right if I pray while I smoke?"
  • Chrism
    Posts: 875
    What is it with Europeans and "O Happy Day"? They were singing that in Malta this week as well.
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,022
    And where did all that CSA influence come from? Wow! I wonder how this video is going over up in the "north"!
  • Chrism, have you ever toured Europe with, like, a collegiate choir? It seems like all they want to hear from Amuhricans is "Spirituals, Spirituals, Spirituals!" (Tho' OHD is technically "gospel.")
  • Chris AllenChris Allen
    Posts: 150
    Steve, as I ended my blog post: "Save your Confederate money, boys, South Austria's gonna rise again!" :-D