Here is an item which ran on a local news channel about a music teacher who sees great success in teaching the Ward Method at a local university. My schola is featured for just a few seconds; this was recorded on Good Friday.
Fantastic. I'm taking Ward I at Catholic U this summer, and have been wondering about its use with adults. There are adults who I'm sure would love to join the Cathedral Chant School, but are intimidated because they can't read intervals that well. It's a good problem to have, but I'd like to accomodate more people.
I believe that Dr. Brown published something about Ward in Sacred Music a year or two ago? I met her at Catholic U. when both of us were studying Ward- - in different classes. Good video! Angela, one Ward teacher adapted the method for adults in a series of classes, and added considerably to her choirs. Unfortunately, she fell ill and is no longer doing it. Yes, the method is miraculous- -
Angela, Anna and I are taking the Ward method at CUA this summer. So we will see you there. Let's bring this to the Midwest! Beth S. from Ss Peter and Paul, Naperville
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