The Graduale Romanum (p 391) gives the following communios as being potentially ad libitum
Title and GR page number::::
Ego sum vitis vera (p 228) Gustate et videte (p 303) Hoc corpus (p 170) Manducaverunt (p 278) Panem de caelo (p 319) Panis quem ego dedero (p 322) Qui manducat (p 383)
Any opinions on which of these are particularly beautiful?
We recorded almost all of these on the Stepping Stone Chant Project recording, "Blessed Is the Ordinary." To me, "Ego sum vitis" is the most exquisite. The line "qui manet in me, et ego in eo" is just achingly beautiful -- I just get this sense of overflowing love and generosity poured over me, followed by waves of embarrassment and gratitude that the Lord would allow me to reciprocate in my own imperfect way. Other than the "Pater si," this may be my favorite of all the communion antiphons.
If you don't own "Blessed is the Ordinary," get it as quickly as you can! It is exquisitely done, and "Ego sum vitis" is
indeed beautiful! But, it is difficult to choose from the many beautiful examples on this disc. All are good.
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