Immensa et una Trinitas -
  • Can someone supply a VERSE translation of the office hymn at Vespers of Trinity, Immensa et una Trinitas, as given at p. 105 in Liber Hymnarius? The person who can answer this need will reap many thanks. Oh, and an author or attribution and date of the Latin orig. and the trans. would be nice.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    Here's a start, by me, 2010. Call it a work in progress.

    Immense and only Trinity,
    who govern all things by your power,
    and are before the world began,
    who make and fashion every hour;

    You only are complete and full
    who live in joyful blessedness;
    Pure, simple One, you hold the earth
    and Heaven in your Providence.

    O Father, fount of every grace,
    And you, Light of the Father's face,
    And Holy Spirit of those two,
    Unending Charity are you.
  • cf.: p. 546, Mundelein Psalter

    Translation by:
    The Benedictine Nuns, Saint Cecilia's Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight, G. B.
    no date of translation given

    Almighty Trinity in One,
    Whose sov'reign pow'r all things has made,
    You rule the ages and the world,
    Before all time You reigned supreme.

    Full plenitude of joy is yours,
    Alone and perfect, needing naught,
    Unsullied, Simple, Purity,
    All things are held within you sway.

    O Father, fount of every grace,
    O Father's glory, God the Son,
    O Holy Spirit of them both,
    Unending source of love divine.

    To you, the Origin serene,
    The Godhead one in Persons three,
    All things created owe their form
    And every beauty they contain.

    Your children whom you have endowed
    With sonship and adoption's gift,
    Beg you to make them temples fair
    For your indwelling Spirit's joy.

    O living Light, grant us the grace
    To join the angels round our throne,
    That praising your [sic] with grateful love,
    Creation's hymn may never end. Amen.
    Thanked by 1Ryan Murphy
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    Thanks for posting that, Adam; I sought but could not find it!
  • This is wonderful. Can you supply the remaining stanzas? I do not have the Mundelein Psalter; obviously, I need to get it. Is there an author & translator given?
  • (post above updated with remaining stanzas)
  • Here's an engraving of the hymn:
    Thanked by 1Jeffrey Quick
  • Reap here, your promised Many Thanks for this. It isn't John Mason Neale and lacks appropriate rhyme, but one can't always have everything. It's nicely done, sensitive and perceptive. Would that we had an authorial attribution for the original Latin - and an approx. date.

    I'm wondering what our laureate, Vincent Uher, would offer with an appropriate rhyme scheme to match the Latin.

    Also, there are several pronounal errors in the version above - easily enough corrected.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
    Immensa et una Trinitas

    O One and boundless Trinity,
    Whose power brings all things to be,
    Who over all the ages reigns,
    And Who before all times remains.

    Sufficient to Yourself alone,
    Complete, the blessed joy You own.
    Pure, simple, provident, You reign,
    The heavens and the earth contain.

    O Father, Source of ev’ry grace,
    O Splendor of the Father’s face,
    O Holy Spirit of Them both,
    Unending Love, proceeding forth.

    From You, O highest Origin,
    Blest Trinity, from You begin,
    Whatever keeps all things replete
    And makes their beauteousness complete.

    Make us who by Your gift are crowned
    With Your adoption most profound
    Be made to shine as temples bright,
    And be made pleasing in Your sight.

    O living Light, to us be giv’n
    To join Your hosts in halls of heav’n,
    And with them ever anthems raise,
    With thankfulness to You, and praise.