Easter Vigil/Easter Sunday: What did you see/hear/do?
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 781
    all seven readings, psalms a mixture of Respond & Acclaim and local composers
    chant Gloria (the Epistle and Gloria accidentally switched places...oh, the joys of non-communication between altar and loft! will have to remedy that for next year...)
    Respond & Acclaim Alleluia
    Litany of Saints: (Becker with variations like, um, actual Saints...but don't tell anyone...)
    Vidi Aquam (chant)
    Offertory: I Know that My Redeemer Lives (Duke Street)
    Communion: Pascha Nostrum
    Regina Caeli (4-part with organ found in St. Gregory hymnal; Melchior or something I think?)
    Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol)
    Recessional: At the Lamb's High Feast
    Postlude: Toccata on O Filii (by Lynwood Farnam)

    Easter Sunday:
    Prelude: "Bridegroom" by James Biery
    Processional: The Strife is O'er (at one Mass,) English (Anglican Use Gradual) Introit (at the other Mass)
    Offertory: Esurientes (#15 from Bicinias by Lasso) at one Mass, "Alleluia" (by Boyce) at the other Mass
    Communion: Jesu Dulcis by Victoria (arr. for SSAB) at one Mass
    (everything else similar to Vigil)
  • Don't want to say what we had at my parish last night. Went to St. Mary's in Norwalk for mass this morning. Was amazing!
    I don't have the program, but I'm sure that the program will appear here soon: http://www.stmarynorwalk.net/ Hats off to David Hughes!
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    Exsultet (Sacramentary)

    During the Liturgy of the Word:
    Ps. 104: Lord send out your spirit (ed. Paul Ford, from BFW)
    Qui confidunt (ed. Bruce Ford, from AG)
    Exodus Canticle (Proulx)
    Isaiah 12: You will draw water (Marier)
    Sicut cervus (Palestrina)

    Gloria: Heritage Mass (Alstott)
    Alleluia: based on O filii et filiae (harm. Marier)
    Sprinkling: J'ai vu jaillir les eaux (Gelineau)
    Offertory: Dextera Domini (Martini)
    Pascha nostrum
    Hymn: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
    Marian antiphon (after Mass): Regina caeli (Aichinger)
  • A few impressions from the Easter Vigil and morning at St. Paul’s, Cambridge. Considering the bad press the past couple of weeks, the attendance at all the services was noteworthy. The long lines winding around the sidewalks outside the church yesterday morning was something reminiscent of Fenway Park. (Yesterday was also opening day by the way, a victory against the Evil Empire no less.)

    Our Vigil lasted three hours and three minutes, one minute short of the record I’ve been told. (Seven, all women, were received into the Church.) Three hours is about the limit to expect the boys to remain on good behavior. I expect my obituary headline will one day read, “Local man expires on choir school stairwell after late night stampede.”

    I suppose my most lasting impression is how well the Marier settings remain fresh after all these years. Besides the psalms and service music, I always look forward to singing his hymn “Come Holy Ghost” (tune name: Mount Auburn) during Vigil confirmations. Also, John Dunn’s text “The Clouds of Night Are Passed Away” (paired with the tune Vigiles et Sancti) is perfect for Easter. Other highlights were Victoria’s ”Gloria” from Missa Quarti Toni, the chant "Victimae Paschali Laudes" arranged for divisi men’s voices, James Woodman’s delightful “The Lamb’s High Banquet,” and – though in other churches I used to dread this- the Hallelujah chorus from “The Messiah.” It’s really fun when you’ve got the voices and instrumentalists to pull it off.

    I’ll close with a somber, but thankful, note. During the 11 a.m. Easter morning homily in the upper church, a piece of molding from the very high ceiling broke loose and fell to the marble floor with a thundering crash. It missed the boy’s choir benches by just a few feet and stunned us all. As you may know, New England had record rainfall during the month of March and everyone suspects a buildup of moisture caused the deterioration of the ceiling panel. Considering there were over a thousand people in the church, all I could think was . . . what if.
  • don roy
    Posts: 306
    Easter Vigil brass quartet and organ
    exultet sung by yours truly
    3 psalms first by me acapella the other 2 psalms for the church year
    Gloria in d minor by me published by cantica nova (hey, it helped with the royalty check)
    alleluia mine
    vidi aquam
    veni creator spiritus
    traditional litany
    springs of water (mine)
    halleluia chorus
    vivaldi gloria (first movement)
    lotti regina caeli
    jesus christ has risen today with brass interludes again by me (hey, if i write it, I know it)
    Postlude rigaudon by campra arr. for brass and organ by me

    Easter day
    prelude: rigaudon for brass and organ
    Run to the tomb (written by a choir member- very haas like)
    open: Jesus Christ has risen today
    gloria in d
    traditional sequence
    alleluia mine
    offertory halleluia chorus
    1. panis angelicus sung by my 10 year old
    2. i am the bread of life
    3. vivaldi gloria
    4. regina caeli by lotti
    closing: joyful joyful we adore you (thank you gather comprehensive)
    postlude: Mendelsohn fugue from organ sonata in c
  • Holy Ghost Church, Denver, CO

    Easter Sunday (w/orchestra)

    Prelude - A. Vivaldi: Sinfonia "Al Sancto Sepolchro"
    Introit - Resurrexi, et adhuc tecum sum
    Entrance Hymn - Hail Thee Festival Day (arr. for orch and chorus)
    Mass - W.A. Mozart: Coronation Mass
    Resp. Psalm - R+A
    Sequence - Victimae Paschali Laudes
    Alleluia - R+A
    Offertory - Terra Tremuit chant followed by J.N. Skraup: Terra Tremuit
    Communion - Pascha nostrum chant followed by J. Brahms: How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place
    Recessional - G.F. Handel - Hallelujah from Messiah
  • Our priests used the "most solemn" preface tone for Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. Very beautiful.

    Decided this was the year to learn the solemn version of Regina caeli for the end of Mass.
    Salve festa dies.
    On the down side, one of the big, low organ pipes decided to cipher about halfway through the Vigil's postlude. The organist gamely finished. I hope they figured out a solution before Sunday morning.
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    Vigil Mass

    Lumen Christi - chanted
    Exsultet - sung by me
    Only Readings I, III and V were read, with their corresponding Psalms from (alas) Respond & Acclaim.
    Gloria - Judi Hylton from "JourneySongs."
    Response to the Epistle - Ps 118. Tune O Filii, my own harmonization, sung by Schola. Verses a capella.
    Sprinkling - My own (pianorific) setting of "I Saw Water Flowing," with stealth chant in the verses. I have to sneak the chanting in somewhere so that people are used to it when, you know, we conquer the world and can dictate what should be sung.
    Offering - One a capella and one accompanied choral motet (sung by Schola)
    Sanctus, Mysterium Fidei - My own unison setting from 1995
    Amen - recto tono
    Agnus Dei - Mass XVII, but in English
    Communion - Pascha nostrum (solo - Schola was not ready with this)
    -- and another accompanied choral motet
    Recessional Hymn - Jesus Christ is Risen Today

    Entrance hymn - Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Kyrie - Mass XVI
    Gloria - Hylton as above
    Responsorial Psalm - Guimont
    Gospel Acclamation - O Filii (my harmonization again)
    Remainder as above
    Recessional - At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing (SALZBURG)
  • Vigil:

    Lumen Christi: chanted, English
    Exsultet: chanted (by cantor), English
    Readings: I, III, VII (denoted in Order of Worship)*
    Responsorial Psalms/Canticles: Psalm 104, Exodus 15, Psalm 51
    Gloria: Congregational Mass (Lee)
    Opening prayer: chanted by priest
    Alleluia Psalm before the Gospel: Psalm 118
    Dialog before the Gospel: chanted, English
    Gospel: chanted, English
    Dialog after the Gospel: chanted, English
    Blessing of Water: Springs of Water (antiphon only)
    Sprinkling Antiphon and Canticle: Springs of Water + excerpts from the Canticle of the Three Young Men
    Offertory: "I shall not die," Rice Simple Choral Gradual, "This is the Feast of Victory," vv. 1–5 (Hillert)
    Sanctus: XVIII
    Memorial Acclamation C: Esguerra/chant (melody approximates those composed for the new ICEL mem. acc. translations)
    Amen: chanted
    Lord's Prayer: Sacramentary
    Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Communion: Pascha nostrum (Gregorian chant); "Christ has become our paschal sacrifice," Rice Simple Choral Gradual; "At the Lamb's High Feast," vv. 1–4
    Recessional: Jesus Christ is Risen Today, vv. 1–4
    Organ Postlude: Salve Regina (Cabezón)


    Prelude: Prelude on Mode IV (Cabezón)
    Introit: Resurrexi, Gregorian chant
    Hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen Today
    Sign of the Cross and Greeting: chanted English
    Kyrie: XVI
    Gloria: Congregational Mass, (Lee)
    Opening Prayer: chanted, English
    Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118
    Sequence: chanted by choir, English
    Alleluia: Mode VII triple Alleluia from the Graduale Simplex with verse from Lectionary
    Dialog before the Gospel: chanted, English
    Gospel: chanted, English
    Dialog after the Gospel: chanted, English
    Sprinkling Antiphon and Canticle: Springs of Water + excerpts from the Canticle of the Three Young Men
    Offertory: "This Is the Feast of Victory," vv. 1–5 (Hillert)
    Sanctus: XVIII
    Memorial Acclamation C: Esguerra/chant (melody approximates those composed for the new ICEL mem. acc. translations)
    Amen: chanted
    Lord's Prayer: Sacramentary
    Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Communion: Pascha nostrum (Gregorian chant); "Christ has become our paschal sacrifice," Rice Simple Choral Gradual; "At the Lamb's High Feast," vv. 1–4
    Recessional: Jesus Christ is Risen Today, vv. 1–4
    Organ Postlude: Salve Regina (Cabezón)
  • redsox1
    Posts: 217
    Easter Vigil

    Psalms (with flute and trumpet)
    Lord, Send Out Your Spirit-Nestor
    Canticle of Moses-Kelly
    You Will Draw Water-Sittard
    Gloria-Jones, beginning with improvisation on "Christ Our Light"
    Psalm for Easter(Alleluia refrain)-Proulx
    At the Lamb's High Feast-SALZBURG
    Verset on the Alleluia for Holy Saturday(organ, during incensation of Altar)-Benoit
    Eucharistic Acclamations-A Community Mass
    Lamb of God-Isele
    This Is the Feast-Hillert
    Regina Coeli (Choir)-Aichinger
    Jesus Christ Is Risen Today-EASTER HYMN (Ferguson)
    Sinfonia-Purcell (organ and trumpet)

    Easter Sunday (brass quartet and timpani)

    Prelude- Filii et Filiae-Held
    Introit-from By Flowing Waters
    Entrata Festiva-Peeters
    Jesus Christ Is Risen Today-EASTER HYMN (Ferguson)
    Psalm for Easter Day-Proulx
    Festival Alleluia-Chepponis
    At the Lamb's High Feast-SALZBURG
    Eucharistic Acclamations-A Community Mass
    Lamb of God-Isele
    Communio-from By Flowing Waters
    This Is the Feast-Hillert
    Regina Coeli (Choir)-Aichinger
    Sing with All the Saints in Glory-HYMN TO JOY (Ferguson)
  • Saint Edward Church, Newark, CA (Sung by combined Schola & Coro)
    Lumen Christi, Deo gratias
    Exsultet sung in English/Latin by Fr. Keyes
    Psalms & Canticles by Fr. Keyes & Gerardo Castro
    After Reading VII: "Sicut cervus" ... Palestrina
    Gloria VIII
    Triple Alleluia in rising tones w/ Confitemini Domino
    Traditional Litany of the Saints (in Latin)
    Offertorium: Dextera Domini Mode 2, followed by hymn "Resusito"
    Sanctus VIII, Mysterium Fidei, Amen expanded w/ Choral Amen from de Victoria
    Pater noster
    Agnus Dei VIII
    Pascha nostrum ... Dorlaque
    Psalm 104 w/Paschal Alleluias
    Procession: "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today"

    Easter Day Missa Cantata (OF) at 10:00 AM with Schola & Chamber ensemble
    Organ: "Christ is Arisen" ... J.S. Bach
    Procession: "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today"
    Introit: Resurrexi" ... Mode 4 (Graduale Romanum)
    Mass VIII
    Psalm setting in Mode 8 by Fr. Keyes
    Alleluia "Pascha nostrum" Mode VII followed by "Victimae Paschali"
    After Gospel: "Alleluia al Vangelo" ... Andrea Gabrieli
    At the Sprinkling Rite: "Vidi Aquam" ... Setting by Joseph Gruber
    Offertorium: "Terra tremuit" ... Mode 4, followed by "MESSIAH: Hallelujah!" ... Handel
    Communio: Pascha nostrum ... Dorlaque; Aria: "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" ... Handel; Psalm 104 w/
    Paschal Alleluias
    After final Blessing & Dismissal : "Regina caeli laetare" ... Antonio Lotti
    Organ: "Today the Son of God Has Triumphed" ... J.S. Bach
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,791
    Praise the Lord, O My Soul (solo w/ BC by George Jeffries)
    ps 16 Protect Me O Lord (plainchant, with Richard Crocker's refrain)
    Miriam's Song (responsorial, with anglican chant by Ann Callaway)
    Exaltabo te (A. Scarlatti a 4)
    My Beloved Hath a Vineyard (solo cantor, from Burgess)
    ps 19 Lord You Have Words of Everlasting Life (Crocker-style again)
    Sicut Cervus (Palestrina a 4)
    Deutsche Messe (Schubert-Proulx)
    Vidi aquam (Cardoso a 4)
    offertory: Dextera Domini (Lassus a 4)
    That Easter Day (PUER NOBIS)
    Regina Caeli (skipped post-communion)
    Jesus Christ is Ris'n (LYRA DAVIDICA)
    Toccata on Westminister (

    2 hours and 4 minutes
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    Easter Vigil
    after the third, fifth, and seventh lessons, the Gregorian canticles, Cantemus, Vinea, and Attendite
    Kyrie I,
    Morales, Gloria, from Missa Caça
    Alleluia, Confitemini Domino, Psalm Laudate Dominum
    At the sprinkling: Palestrina, Sicut cervus
    Sanctus I
    Worcester fragments, Agnus Dei
    Marenzio, O sacrum convivium
    Lauds of Easter Sunday

    Easter Sunday morning (in Latin, except for the lessons, which are sung).
    Introit: Resurrexi
    Kyrie: Victoria, Missa Laetatus sum for three choirs
    Gloria: Victoria
    Gradual: Haec dies
    Alleluia: Pascha nostrum, then sequence: Victimae Paschale laudes
    Credo: Victoria
    Offertory: Terra tremuit, with melismatic verse
    Sanctus: Victoria
    Agnus: Victoria
    Communion: Pascha nostrum with psalm verses
    Motet: Gallus, Alleluia, In Resurrectione tuae for two choirs.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    If anyone wants a real challenge, try the VERDELOT Victimae Paschali Laudes

    If you have a choir that can pull it off, you WON'T be disappointed. It may be the most gorgeous piece I've ever heard.
  • Saint Mary’s Parish, Visalia, California

    Order of Music-April 3, 2010

    Easter Vigil

    Entrance:“Christ be our light” THANKS BE TO GOD” (Lumen Christi)
    Exultet: “sursum corda” -Both chanted by pastor with responses.

    Responsorial 1 ENVIA TU ESPIRITU (B.Hurd)
    Responsorial 2 EXODUS 15: TO GOD BE PRAISE AND GLORY (Sullivan-Whitaker)
    Responsorial 7 Ps.42 “JUST AS THE DEER DESIRES” (Sicut cervus-Palestrina/Lindusky)
    Gloria after Epistle “Glory to God in the highest” Proulx “Misa Oecumenica”
    Gospel Accl.: Mode VI Alleluia-chanted
    Litany of the Saints (Becker setting)*
    Baptismal rites “Springs of Water/I Saw Water Flowing” Simple Choral Gradual/Richard Rice
    Confirmations:VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS plainchant
    Offertory:“LOVE’S WAY” (The Rose of Calvary/J.Martin)
    Eucharistic Accl.: Misa Oecumenica (Proulx)
    Communion Procession: Antiphon: Christ has become/Pascha nostrum (SCG/Richard Rice)
    PAN DE VIDA (B.Hurd)
    Communion Anthem: “AFFIRMATION OF LIFE” (The Rose of Calvary/J.Martin)
    Recessional: JESUS CHRIST IS RIS’N TODAY (Easter hymn)

    *I believe that we have turned a tentative curve, to whit: before the Vigil our Pastor inquired which setting of the LoS we were using (he's often "inferred" a preference for the Becker.) When I answered, he had mildly disappointed countenance and mentioned he'd like the English chant in the future. (I, of course, suggested it in Latin, 'nuther story.) Anyway, I countered with telling him, first of course-next year in Jerusalem, chant; then I told him I'd taught the English chant to grades 1-7 already for use on Nov. 1 this fall. He smiled.
    I think that what I learned at Colloquium '07-to simply implement chant, Propers, (polyphony we've been doing for 17 years with some chant here and there) et al, into their "slots" which are in my domain and not ask permission first, is a good strategy. This strategy came to clear fruition with Maundy Thursday's Mass. And my pastor heard a congregation fully engaged in chant, in strong responses to his orations, and with attentiveness to the chorally rendered Propers.
    Now, I see some light at the end of the liturgical tunnel. Lumen Christi, indeed. Deo gratias, soli Deo gloria.
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    Glad to see a lot of people using the triple Alleluia. To me, nothing says Easter like that. In my experience, too, if people are suspicious of chant, one can simply "Cochereau-it-up" at accompany it fairly substantially on the organ.
  • Saint Francis de Sales Oratory
    Institute of Christ the King
    Saint Louis, MO

    Solemn High Mass 10am

    Vidi aquam mode 8
    Gregorian Propers - Men's Schola
    Cantus Missae for 2 choirs- Joseph Rheinberger
    Offertory - Offertoire pour le Jour de Paques - Jean-Francios Dandrieu
    Communion Motet - Dum Transisset Sabbatum - Taverner
  • j13rice
    Posts: 36
    Jeff, do you know anyplace online to get a score and/or recording of the Verdelot? You have me intrigued...

    -Guimont psalms after all seven readings, accompanied by string quartet (a good refresher for recitative conducting!)
    -Gloria of the Bells (Peloquin)
    -Alleluia from the Graduale, with polyphonic verses setting that I wrote
    -Springs of water (R Rice)
    -Vidi Aquam (Buchholz's beautiful setting incorporating the chant)
    -Dextera Domini (chant)
    -I Believe That My Redeemer Lives (Peloquin)
    -Thaxted Acclamations (Mancini)
    -Litany for the Breaking of the Bread (Schiavone)
    -Pascha Nostrum (chant)
    -Our Risen Lord (Moore)
    -Christ the Lord is Risen Today
    -Mozart Church Sonata in G (postlude)

    -Hail Thee, Festival Day
    -Gloria of the Bells (Peloquin)
    -Psalm 118 (Joncas)
    -Sequence from By Flowing Waters
    -Easter Gospel Acclamation (Luckner)
    -Fugue, In a Monastery (Rimsky-Korsakov, played by our strings)
    -Regina Caeli (chant)
    -Christ is Risen! Shout Hosanna! (Moore)
    -Thaxted Acclamations
    -Litany for the Breaking of the Bread
    -Our Risen Lord (Moore)
    -I am the Bread of Life (Toolan)
    -Christ the Lord is Risen Today
    -Mozart Church Sonata in G (postlude)
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592

    Anyone who would like the score (as well as practice Mp3's) for the Verdelot Víctimae Pascháli Laudes, feel free to contact me, and I will send you all these items right readily.

  • Easter Vigil
    3 readings Psalm 104 - Marier setting/ Song of Moses - Marier setting (When hearing this marvelous chant, there is no doubt that Pharoah's char-i-ots sank into the sea!), Ecce Deus - Mason Martens.
    Carroll Andrews Gloria
    Ps 118 with the traditional Easter Vigil "Alleluia"
    Litany of the Saints - Marier
    Vidi Aquam (sprinkling)
    20 baptisms/confirmations
    This is the Feast of Victory - Hillert (with descants)
    Sanctus - Richard Shephard
    Agnus Dei - Missa IX
    Pascha Nostra - Healey Willan
    This Joyful Eastertide - arr. Alice Parker
    The Clouds of Night Are Passed Away (HPSC #313)
    Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
  • BachLover2BachLover2
    Posts: 330
    easter sunday:
    entrance hymn: christ the lord is ris'n today
    kyrie: mass i
    gloria: heritage mass
    resp. psalm: chabanel in honor of Mary Magdalen
    sequence: spoken
    alleluia: parish book of chant
    offertory: regina caeli
    sanctus: heritage mass
    agnus dei: heritage mass
    communion: i received the living god
    communion meditation: organ improvisation on regina caeli
    exit: jesus christ is ris'n today