Directorium Cantoris vel Magistrum Chori
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,672
    The April Pastoral Music Notebook put out by NPM mentions a liturgy document being prepared with the title Directorium Cantoris vel Magistrum Chori.

    The announcement reads:
    "A draft text being prepared by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments suggests that choir directors be vested in cassock and surplice or alb, particularly when they are visible to the rest of the assembly. Titled Directorium Cantoris vel Magistrum Chori, the document aims to provide positive advice on ways to advance the role of choirs in the liturgy and to correct some abuses reported around the world. It notes, in the section on vesture, that the suggestions made for choir directors may also be considered by organists, but they do not apply to directors of contemporary liturgical ensembles."

    Then at the end it gives you a link to click for more information that tells you it's an April Fools joke..

    Who says NPM can't have its amusing moments?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 8,940
    Oh, they couldn't fool anybody with an ungrammatical (and implausible) Latin title like that. Well, maybe themselves.
  • Insult upon injury, attended by self-amusing (and doubtless smug) mockery. They take a brick, and rather than build, hurl it at the other masons. Not in the mood, after two wonderful liturgies of Triduum.
    This may sound, to some here, heretical, but if Joncas had taken the presidency of NPM instead of the "who" McMahon, crap like this wouldn't surface, and a detente of some positive sort might've been crafted.
  • don roy
    Posts: 306
    i remember seeing a picture taken from an early convention where people reinacted an apparant parody of the old mass complete with fiddlebacks etc for the express purpose to make fun of the "bad old days".