Holy Thursday (Mass of the Lord's Supper): What did you see/hear/do?
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    Processional: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
    Gloria (the "standard" chant one)
    Psalm: Our Blessing Cup (by a local composer)
    Gospel Acclamation: Respond and Acclaim
    Washing of Feet: And Can it Be (by a local composer)
    Glory Be To Jesus
    O Love, How Deep
    Preparation of Gifts: Where Charity and Love Prevail
    O Bone Jesu (Palestrina)
    Holy, Holy: Community Mass/Proulx
    Mortem Tuam
    Amen: two-note chant
    Agnus Dei (the chant everyone knows)
    Communion: Hoc Corpus
    When Jesus Wept (choir; as a canon)
    Humbly We Adore Thee (Adoro te Devote)
    Sing My Tongue (first two verses English, all the verses Latin)
  • don roy
    Posts: 306
    prelude: little prelude and fugue in G att, bach probably kuhneau (yea, THAt one)
    Open : Lift high the Cross
    Gloria: Creation (sigh) but we did bells inside and out!
    Responsorial Haas (sigh)
    gospel accl and verse mine published by cantica nova (sorry couldnt help the self promo)
    Washing of the feet
    1. chant ubi caritas refrain latin, verses english (yea)
    2. Gathered in the Love of Christ Haugan (based on canon in D) (sigh)
    Ave Verum Mozart (hea, its Mozart)
    1. We have been told
    2. Franck Panis Angelicus sung by my 10 year old boy soprano choir member (major yea)
    Pange Lingua standared chant followed by traditional tantum ergo (will work on a renaissance setting for next year)
  • Durfle "Ubi caritas" and I got all the low Ebs!
  • don roy
    Posts: 306
    I LOVE that piece. Well done!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Lift High the Cross (alt Eng Span verses)
    premiere of a Kyrie composed by our trumpet player
    Gloria XV with an Antiphon (Gloria in Excelsis Deo) for the congregation
    response WLP ant. w/Aristotle verses
    gosp acc: original chant version
    The sacrament of service
    Yo No Soy
    Ubi Caritas
    Memorial Acc
    premiere of Agnus Dei composed by our trumpet player
    I am the bread of life (alt Eng Span verses)
    Pange Lingua (alt Eng Span verses)
    Tantum Ergo
  • Aaron
    Posts: 110
    Prelude: String Quartet Op. 76, No. 3 Haydn
    Introit God forbid that I should glory- H. Willan
    Lift high the cross
    Missa de Angelis Kyrie
    Gloria Community Mass
    Psalm Richard Rice
    Acclmation Proulx
    Song of the Lord's command Haas
    Sung Intercessions
    Ubi Caritas Hurd
    Community Mass
    Chant Agnus Dei
    Communion Antiphon I will lift up the cup C. Thatcher WLP
    Ave Verum Mozart
    Hail Our Savior's Glorious Body
    Stay Here and Keep Watch Taize
  • Entrance Antiphon: "We should glory in the cross" — Rice, Simple Choral Gradual (SCG)
    Hymn: Lift High the Cross
    Kyrie XVI
    Gloria: Congregational Mass — John Lee
    Psalm: Esguerra
    Acclamation: Mode VI
    Antiphon/Psalm at Foot Washing: "I give you a new commandment" — SCG (with verses from Psalm 118(119))
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas — Taizé
    Sanctus XVIII
    Memorial Acclamation C: Esguerra
    Lord's Prayer: Sacramentary
    Agnus Dei XVIII
    Communion Antiphon: Hoc corpus — Gregorian chant, Mode VIII
    Communion Antiphon and Psalm: "This body will be given for you" — SCG, with verses from Psalm 22(23)
    Transfer of the Holy Eucharist: Pange lingua gloriosi — Gregorian chant, mode III
    Stripping of the Altar: Psalm 21(22), English, Mode II psalm tone
  • artdob
    Posts: 24
    Programmed by a guest director at our parish tonight:

    Prelude: Barber Adagio for Strings (organ)
    Entrance: Lift high the cross
    Presentation of the oils: Rite for receiving the holy oils (Schiavone)
    Gloria: Gloria (Spanish setting by Salazar) - anyone familiar with this? Is it illicit?
    Psalm: El Caliz que Bendecimos (Palazon)
    Gospel acclamation: Respond & Acclaim

    Washing of feet: Jesus took a towel & So you must do (Haugen) - This was done during breaks within the Gospel (lots of discussion about this at the house following mass this evening). Perceived as theater - and the congregation told not to stand during the Gospel.

    Preparation of gifts: Ubi Caritas (Durufle)
    Mass of Creation
    Communion: Pan de Vida (Hurd) & The Supper of the Lord
    Transfer of the Eucharist: Pange Lingua (only two verses in English) - then into Jesus Remember Me - then Tantum Ergo at the altar of repose (in Latin)
  • This was our pastor's first multilingual major Mass. Vernaculars: English, Spanish, LaHu
    Ordinary: Iubilate Deo: Greek/Latin
    All went very well.
    Saint Mary’s Parish, Visalia, California
    Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper

    Entrance: LIFT HIGHT THE CROSS (Crucifer)
    Introit Antiphon: “We should glory in the cross” Simple Choral Gradual/Rice
    Opening Rites: Kyrie (Mass XVI) Gloria (Mass VIII)
    Responsorial: “El caliz que bendecimos es la communion de la sangre de Cristo”
    Gospel Accl.: LENTEN GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Culbreth)
    Mandatum: “The Lord Jesus, when he had eaten…” Simple Choral Gradual/Rice
    Offertory: UBI CARITAS (B.Hurd) Alternating English/Spanish verses
    Eucharistic Accl.: Sanctus XVIII/ Christ has die-Amen/Agnus Dei XVIII
    Communion Procession:Antiphon: “This is my body…” American Gradual/B.Ford
    THIS IS MY BODY (Culbreth) Communion Anthem: I SEE A ROSE IN THE GARDEN J. Martin
    Transfer of Holy Eucharist:
    Procession in church- PANGE LINGUA GLORIOSI plainchant
    Procession outside to repose: PANGE LINGUA- Ricky Manalo
  • All propers in the Liber
    antiphons 1 and 8 (Ubi caritas) during the washing of the feet
    Ordinary- Victoria's Missa 'O quam gloriosum'

    Loved singing the verse on the gradual, all propers were stunning and a joy to sing.
    No major biffs by anyone, even me.

    To keep it real a certain FSSP priest decided to sing a different dismissal- one we weren't prepared for. We just came back with the Lenten response. Next year!

    Loved the gold vestments. Tons of incense winding with the chant.

    I'm still pinching myself that I have this job.
  • Though our music resources, traditions, architecture, and congregational make-up are hardly typical, some of you may be interested in what transpires at St. Paul Church, Cambridge, MA. The church, by the way, is always filled for the Triduum liturgies.

    Organ prelude: Pange lingua / Leo Sowerby

    Introit: Nos autem gloriari (sung by a select group of boys from the loft)

    Procession: The Royal Banners Forward Go (tune: The King’s Majesty; all ten verses are sung with short organ interludes. Considering the length of the church and the incensing of the altar, all are needed.)

    Psalm 116 / Marier (for those unfamiliar with Marier’s settings, the first half of each verse is sung a cappella by the boys, the second half is in 4-parts)

    Gospel Acclamation / Marier (verses sung a cappella, 4-parts)

    Washing of the Feet: Where Abideth Charity and Love / Marier
    Ubi Caritas / Duruflé
    (both pieces are transposed to E, thus allowing for a smooth transition)

    Preparation: How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place / Brahms

    Holy, Holy, Holy / Marier, #23 for those who have access to our hymnal
    Memorial Acclamation / Marier #26D
    Great Amen / #27 (known by some as the “Dresden”)
    Our Father / Marier #30
    Agnus Dei XVII

    Communion: Ave verum / Saint-Saens

    Transfer of the Holy Eucharist: #228 Now My Tongue, the Mystery Telling (the local custom has the cantor intoning the first line of each verse, after verses 2 and 4, the choir repeats these verses in a 4-part setting by Palestrina)
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Entrance: At That First Eucharist
    Kyrie from Mass XVI
    Organ Fanfares to the Gloria - my own composition
    Gloria: Carrol Thomas Andrews (tower bells and altar bells rung the entire time)
    Psalm: Our Blessing Cup by Haugen
    Gospel: Lenten Acclamation by Proulx
    Foot washing: The Servant Song, What Wondrous Love, and Let All Mortal Flesh
    Offertory: Jesus Took the Cup arr. by Hopson
    Sanctus, Mem. Acc., Amen: People's Mass
    Communion: Eat This Bread - Berthier
    Communion organ filler: Our Blessed Savior Seven Times Spoke by Pachelbel
    Transfer of the Eucharist: Pange Lingua - 1 vs. Latin, 6 vs. in English
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    St. Bernadette church, Silver Spring

    The church was full, priest and people chants their parts. Beautiful singing of the choir. (no cantors up in the front waving arms around) Lots of incence. THis is not my parish, but I often go there. Beautiful Liturgy.

    Organ: Le Banquet Celeste Oliver Messiaen

    Intorit/Procession Wareham
    Gloria: Missa de Angeis

    Psalm: S. Weber
    Acclamation: RKF (I believe it's initial of the MD)

    Washing of Feet
    Motet - Ubi caritas Durufle
    Antiphons of the Footwashing by R. K Fitzgerald (MD)

    Motet - O Sacrum Convivium Viadana
    Hymn: Humbly I adore Thee (Adorote)

    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Acclamation: Mortem Tuam
    Agnus Dei: Missa Cuntipotens genitor Deus RKF

    Communion Antiphone Mode 6
    Motet- Tantum Ergo D. Severac

    Transfer of the Holy Eucharist
    Tantum Ergo (English and Latin)
  • JamJam
    Posts: 636
    Serbian chant. :)
  • Organ prelude: Le Banquet Celeste by Olivier Messiaen
    Pro: Jeus, My Love.....
    Kyrie eleison by Harold Friedell
    Gloria by Carrol Andrews
    Ps....Gregorican Chan, Mode V
    During Mandantum: Ubi Caritas by Maurice Durufle & Antiphons Gregorian Chant (from this website)
    During Offerotry: Anima Christi by Gerald Near
    Ordinary of Mass....Mass of the City by Richard Proulx
    During Communion: Prelude on Attende Domine by Jeanne Demessieux
    O salutaris by Leo Delibes
    Pange Lingua in Latin ...Gregorian Chant
    Panis Angelicus by Cesar Franck
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    Entrance Hymn: At the Name of Jesus (sorry to say it's the modern one in "JourneySongs" with the neutered text)
    Kyrie: Mass XVI
    Gloria: Judy Hylton (again with the JourneySongs)
    Responsorial Psalm: R&A with SATB on the refrains. Transposed up a major second because it's down in the blottosphere for the basses and altos.
    Gospel Acclamation: Kraehenbuehl with mode VI verse, sung by treble voices. SATB on refrains a capella
    Washing of Feet: "Love One Another" by Bobby Fisher (no, not the chess player). Father moves through this at record speed, so it had to be short.
    Music during preparation of the gifts: "mandatum novum do vobis" by Taizé; two-part imitative on some refrains, plus cantor for verses.
    Sanctus, Mysterium Fidei: my own miserable unison setting from 1995
    Doxology and Amen: recto tono
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVII in English
    Communion: "Trilingual Ubi Caritas" by Cheryl Aranda. I massaged the piano part a good bit. I need to write some parts for the men's section for next year because the verses are kind of lame.
    Transfer: Pange Lingua (mode III). The people sang a good bit, but mostly i heard the choir.

    This is a collaboration with the pop ensemble because we believe in demonstrating unity for Holy Thursday and Confirmation especially. Next year (if there is a next year for me) there will be some different music, I hope.
  • Sacred Heart of Mary, Boulder, CO

    Processional: Lift High the Cross
    Kyrie: Heritage Mass
    Gloria: Mass of the Shepherds
    Psalm & Gospel Acclamation: Respond & Acclaim
    Washing of Feet: Antiphons I, IV and VI from Ad Lotionem Pedum Interspersed with the Rosania Ubi Caritas and Where True Charity and Love Dwell
    Preparation of the Gifts: Sleepers, Wake! (A very poor text adaptation of a chorale from the Bach Cantata 140)
    Holy, Holy: Mass of the Shepherds
    Memorial Acclamation/Amen: Heritage Mass
    Agnus Dei: Heritage Mass
    Communion: Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart); Lord, Who At Thy First Eucharist
    We then processed with the Blessed Sacrament to an adjacent building while chanting Pange Lingua/Tantum Ergo
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    One thing that is odd at our parish is that for the washing of the feet, parishioners are called forward to have their feet washed by other parishioners at 4 or 5 different stations around the church. After they have their feet washed, they may (or may not) stay and wash the next person's feet. This goes on for a good ten minutes. Although I think the idea behind it is admirable, I think the traditional ritual is a more complete symbol and does not unnecessarily prolong that portion of the liturgy. For this reason I chose not to do a second piece of music to serve as a "background." If this practice continues in the future, I might add the English version of Mandatum novum from BFW.

    This is the one Mass that is attended by representatives of all of the different groups at the parish (to a greater or lesser extent): French / English, church / school, parish music program / guitar Mass. The church was pretty much filled, and people really sang on the Gloria, the Christ has died (from the Sacramentary), the Our Father (ed. Snow), and to some extent the Lamb of God XVII (Kelly), which is new this season. Every year I try to nudge each Sunday and solemnity closer to the ideal, and this is one where I feel we've pretty much gotten as close as we're going to get. The only improvements I would like to see is maybe singing the full antiphon "We should glory in the cross..." as the introit, a new Gloria once the revised English text is promulgated, and in general more singing of the dialogs and responses.

    Organ Prelude: Pange Lingua (Dupre)
    Entrance: R. May God have pity on us and bless us V. But it behooves us to glory... (Samuel Weber, OSB)
    Gloria: Heritage Mass (Alstott) [then the organ is turned OFF!]
    Responsorial Psalm: Ps. 116 (Columba Kelly, OSB) [second half of each verse sung from loft SATB]
    Gospel Acclamation: based on Kyrie/Ite from Mass XI and the T.P. (GIA edition)
    Washing of the Feet: Maneant in vobis (Rice) [antiphon and verses in English]
    Offertory: Ubi caritas (Durufle)
    Communion: Hoc corpus
    Processional hymn: Hail Our Savior's Glorious Body [tune: Pange lingua gloriosi]
    Motet: Tantum ergo (Durufle)
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    We did the Durufle as well. It is one of my choir's favorites from long before my arrival. That said, there were also big pitch problems before my arrival! The magic fix is to do it a half-step up in E major (maybe even a whole to F!) It is better for almost everyone's tessitura.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Prelude: Handbell choir
    Procession: Lift High the Cross
    Gloria from Mass of Creation
    Psalm: Keyes from Chabanel Psalms
    Gospel Acclamation: Haugen refrain with chanted verse
    Mandatum: The Lord Jesus - Norbet
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas
    Sanctus XVIII
    Memorial Acclamation and Amen: Missa Corpus Christi
    Chanted Our Father, English
    Agnus Dei XVIII
    Communion: The Name of God
    Communion: Adoramus Te - Dubois
    Communion: Ave Verum - Mozart
    Procession: Pange Lingua

    Oh and during the Roman Canon, a cell phone went off with the song "I like big butts" as ring tone.
  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    Introit: Nos autem (Graduale Romanum)
    Congregational Entrance Hymn: Vivons en enfants de lumière - Berthier
    Kyriale XVIII (Deus Genitor Alme)
    Gloria VIII (de Angelis)
    Psalm - can't remember who wrote it
    Gospel Acclamation: Laus tibi Christe Rex aeternae gloria (PBC) + verse from lectionary
    Que demeure en vous la foi, l'espérance et la charité..... (I wrote this myself) + selected antiphons from the missal sung in French
    Mandatum novum (Graduale Romanum) + Ps. 118
    Offertory: Ubi caritas est vera (Graduale Romanum)
    Anamnesis: Roman Missal setting (in French)
    Our Father: Rimsky-Korsakov (in French)
    Communion: Hoc corpus (Graduale Romanum)
    Communion: La nuit qu'il fut livré - Breton air
    Procession: Pange Lingua
  • ad Introitum: Nos autem (GR)
    Kyrie XVI with Mass VIII toni (di Lasso)
    Gloria VIII
    Ps. 22 Dominus pascit me (GS)
    ad Evangelium: Laus tibi Christe, vers. Mandatum novum (Cima)
    ad Lotionem pedum:
    Ant. I Postquam surrexit Dominus
    Ant. II Dominus Iesus
    Ant. III Domine, tu mihi lavas pedes?
    Ant. V In hoc cognoscent omnes
    Ant. VI Mandatum novum
    ad Offertorium: Ubi caritas
    Sanctus VIII
    Agnus Dei VIII (Third from Missa VIII toni - Lasso)
    ad Communionem: Hoc Corpus (GR)
    ad Traslationem: Pange lingua alt. with Perosi
  • BachLover2BachLover2
    Posts: 330
    Entrance Song: Nos Autem
    Kyrie: Simple ("Lord have mercy")
    Gloria: VIII (Missa De Angelis)
    Responsorial: Chabanel psalms (in honor of P. Ragueneau)
    Gosepl Acclamation: "Glory to you, Word of God"
    Ubi Caritas: Ola Gjeilo
    Sanctus: Creation (Haugen)
    Mystery of Faith: Creation (Haugen)
    Agnus Dei: VIII (Missa De Angelis)
    Communio: Hoc Corpus
    Communion Meditation: "In memory of You"
    Procession: Tantum Ergo
  • don roy
    Posts: 306
    i laughed so hard at your ring tone comment that i nearly fell off my chair! with all the stress we all are under, your timing was perfect! thanks
  • Saint Edward Catholic Church, Newark, CA 7:30 PM Missa in coena Domini (OF) Schola & Coro- bilingual liturgy
    Int: Nos autem (Grad. Rom.)
    Mass setting Mass VIII
    Psalm setting by Rev. Jeffrey R. Keyes, CPPS
    At the foot washing: "Mandatum novum" & "Dominus Jesus"
    Off: "Ubi caritas" ... Durufle, followed by the Hymn "Ubi caritas"
    Reception of the Holy Oils: Chant "O Redemptor sume carmen"
    Preparation of the Gifts: Motet: "O Redemptor" ... attrib. to Palestrina
    Pater noster sung by all in Latin (How wonderful to have speakers of many dialects all singing the language of the Church as one!)
    Comm: "Hoc corpus" (Grad. Rom.) w/ Psalm verses from "Communio" by Richard Rice
    "Palabras de amor" ... Gerardo Castro, the Director of our Coro
    "In monte Oliveti" ... Croce
    Translation of the Blessed Sacrament: "Pange lingua" ... Mode 3
  • Humbly We Adore Thee-
    followed by incensing music - Christus Factus with With an English verse that translates the antiphon.
    Ordinary: Mass XI Meinrad, English
    Pslam ( tone II)
    Gospel acc. Meinrad tone 7
    Ubi Caritas
    Priestly People

    Com: Pater Sine (from palm Sunday)
    Anima Christi , Frisina
  • redsox1
    Posts: 217
    Prelude: Adoro Te Devote-Peeters
    Hymn: Now Let Us Glory in the Cross-Tietze OLD HUNDREDTH
    Gloria: Peter Jones
    Psalm: Psalm 116 Sittard/Plainsong
    Gospel Acc.: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ-Plainsong New
    Washing of the Feet: Faith, Hope, and Love-Sittard
    Prep.: Ubi Caritas-Durufle (pitched in E-it makes a huge difference!)
    Where Charity and Love Prevail-Benoit
    Euch. Acc.: Corpus Christi Mass-Proulx
    Fraction Rite: Agnus Dei-Mass XVIII
    Communion: Godhead Here in Hiding ADORO TE DEVOTE
    Psalm 116-By Flowing Waters
    O Taste and See-Vaughan Williams
    Procession: Pange Lingua
  • PaixGioiaAmorPaixGioiaAmor
    Posts: 1,473
    Introit hymn: Ours it is to joy and glory, Tune: ST THOMAS, text: Stratman, from St. James Cathedral, Seattle

    Kyrie: chant mass XVIII

    Gloria: A Community Mass, Proulx

    Psalm: composed by myself

    Mandatum: As I Have Done for You, Haas
    I Give You a New Commandment, Harold Owen, CanticaNova

    Preparation: Ubi Caritas, Durufle

    Ordinary: Corpus Christi Mass

    Agnus Dei: chant, XVIII

    Communion: Draw Near, Steven Janco WLP
    Humbly I Adore Thee (ADORO TE DEVOTE), Arr. Bruce Vantine

    And ... of course ... Pange Lingua
  • TKIRN1
    Posts: 7
    At the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis

    Choral Prelude
    Introit: Nos Autem Gloriari, Felice Anerio

    Gathering Hymn: Come Let us Glory in the Cross, Duke Street

    Kyrie Missa de Angelis, Chant/Bartolucci
    Gloria Missa de Angelis, Chant/Bartolucci

    Psalm 116 Tim Jansen
    Good News Acclamation Chepponis

    Washing of Feet: Faith Hope and Love, Walker
    General Intercessions: Lord in your Mercy, Gibala

    Preparation of Gifts: *O Sacrum Convivium, Tallis

    Sanctus Mass XVIII, Plainsong
    Acclamation and Amen Missa de Angelis, Mass VIII
    Agnus Dei, Mass XVIII, Plainsong

    Communio: Hoc Corpus, Mode 8-transcribed by Richard Proulx

    Communion Anthem: Ave Verum, Edgar
    Panis Angelicus, Camille Saint-Saens

    Procession Pange Lingua( Hail our Savior's Glorious Body)
    Final Meditation: On the Mount of Olives, Bruckner

  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    I am really thrilled, even to show how far my congregation and choir have come in the past year!

    When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
    Gloria VIII
    Psalm: Our Blessing Cup (a contemporary SSA arrangement)
    Gospel Accl: Respond & Acclaim
    Washing of Feet: (I wish we had more appropriate music to sing that reflected the proper texts for this time, but unfortunately everything that is in the hymnal of a "servant" character is either extremely trite, or else theologically questionably appropriate.)
    Ah,Holy Jesus
    Glory Be to Jesus
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas (Durufle! woot woot! and the choir rocked!)
    Ordinary: Missa Jubilate Deo
    Hoc Corpus (chant)
    O Domine (Palestrina)
    Humbly We Adore (Adoro Te)
    Sing My Tongue (6 verses, Latin)
  • "Now We Remain" refrain only 2 x while the procession moves from the sacristy to the back of the church
    followed by Nos Autem with vereses as the procession approaches the altar.
    Kyrie I
    Gloria I
    Mode II Bednarz
    Kelly tone 7 Gospel ac
    Ubi Caritas
    Off: Priestly People and Christus Factus Est during incensing ( We recycle)
    Sanctus xviii
    acc & amen : reciting tone
    agnus xviii
    Humbly We adore Thee, Pater Sine, Adoramus Te.
  • Organ: Schmucke dich (Brahms)
    Hymn: Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness (Schmucke dich)
    Propers: Gregorian (Palmer/Burgess)
    Kyrie/Gloria: Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena (Willan)
    Gradual: Christus factus est (Villanueva)
    Motet: Ubi caritas (Durufle)
    Hymn: And now, O Father, mindful (Unde et memores)
    Sanctus/Agnus: Missa "Jubilate Deo"
    Procession to Altar of Repose: Pange lingua (chant)
    Motet: Tantum ergo (Durufle)

    Mount Calvary Church, Baltimore, MD
  • henry
    Posts: 245
    Nos Autem
    Kyrie Sanctus Agnus Dei (Jubilate Deo)
    Gloria (Salazar)
    Psalm: from Paluch Missalette (English)
    Washing: Les Doy Un Mandato Nuevo and Jesu, Jesu
    Offertory: Trilingual Ubi Caritas
    Communion: proper chanted followed by Amen el Cuerpo de Cristo
    Transfer: Pange Lingua (alt Eng/Sp) except for Tantum Ergo
  • Christ, Prince of Peace in Ford City, PA

    Introit: Nos Autem Gloriari (Men's schola)
    Processional: Lift High the Cross
    Gloria: Congregational Mass, John Lee
    Psalm: Our Blessing Cup (Mine)
    Gospel Acclamation: Garnier Gopel Acclamation
    Washing of Feet: Mandatum Novum (Mine)
    If Ye Love Me (Tallis)
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas (chant, all)
    Christians, Let Us Love One Another (PICARDY)
    Sanctus: XVIII
    Memorial Acclamation: Corpus Christi Mass (Proulx)
    Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Communion: Hoc Corpus (Men's schola)
    Every Time You Eat this Bread (from communionantiphons.org)
    Ave Verum Corpus (Byrd)
    Transfer: Pange Lingua (chant)

    In past years, we've used Durufle's Tantum Ergo, one of my favorites, but rehearsal time got tight and something had to go.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Introit: Nos Autem (AUG) (with organ pedal drone)
    Processional: Lift High the Cross
    Kyrie: Missa de Angelis
    Gloria: Missa de Angelis (with sanctuary bells, organ pedal drone and zimbelstern)
    Psalm: Our Blessing Cup (WLP w/ verses by Aristotle)
    Gospel Acclamation: (Aristotle with verse by Koerber)
    Washing of Feet: Ubi Caritas (Latin)
    Offertory: Sacrament of Service (cant stand the title, but o well)
    Sanctus: Missa de Angelis
    Memorial Acclamation: Lee
    Agnus Dei: Missa de Angelis
    Communio: Hoc Corpus (AUG)
    Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat
    Ave Verum: solo with organ, Mozart (choir was programmed SATB a cappella but didn't happen)
    Transfer: Pange Lingua (Gregorian Chant) (alternating Latin and English) (procession with two thurifers)
    Reposition: Tantum Ergo
  • Introit Antiphon: "We should glory in the cross" Simple Choral Gradual/Rice

    Entrance: LIFT HIGH THE CROSS (Crucifer)

    Opening Rites: Kyrie (Mass XVI) Gloria (Mass VIII)

    Responsorial: "El caliz que bendecimos es la communion de la sangre de Cristo"

    Gospel Accl.: "Ab ortu solis" "From the place where the sun rises..." chanted tract/Esguerra-handout

    Mandatum:THE WISDOM OF GOD (Heath Morber)
    "The Lord Jesus, when he had eaten..." Simple Choral Gradual/Rice

    Offertory: UBI CARITAS (B.Hurd) Alternating English/Spanish verses

    Eucharistic Accl. Sanctus/MoC Christ has died-Amen/Agnus Dei

    Communio: "This is my body..." American Gradual/B.Ford

    Communion Procession:THIS IS MY BODY (Culbreth)

    Communion Anthem: TANTUM ERGO (Kevin Allen)
    Transfer of Holy Eucharist: PANGE LINGUA GLORIOSI plainchant
    PANGE LINGUA- Ricky Manalo-handout
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    Decided to try Byzantine Ruthenian Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil this year. Great experience, since the entire thing is sung (except one prayer in preparation for Communion); however, I found that I really missed the procession to the altar of repose of the Roman Rite, and I wished that I had gone to our local Extraordinary Form parish or Cistercian Abbey (who does the Ordinary Form in a wonderfully reverent way with all the chanted propers).
  • Sacred Heart, West Warwick, RI

    Lift high the Cross / "Crucifer"
    Kyrie from "Messa Laus Tibi Christe" / F. Caudana
    (We actually have a congregation card in the pews for this Kyrie. Nice tune, and in a reasonable range for the people.)
    Gloria from "Mass in Honor of Pope Paul VI" / Connor
    Our blessing cup / Alstott
    Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ / Alstott
    At that first Eucharist / "Unde et Memores"
    Mass XVIII
    Ecce Panis Angelorum / XVIIth c., arr. Rossini
    Pange lingua / C. Rossini

  • Entrance Antiphon & Psalm: "Nos autem gloriari" — Gregorian chant, Mode IV
    Kyrie XVI
    Gloria: Congregational Mass — John Lee
    Psalm: Mundelein/Weber tone VII d
    Acclamation: Mode VIII
    Antiphon/Psalm at Foot Washing: "Domine tu mihi lavas pedes" — Nunes Garcia
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas — Gregorian chant, Mode VI
    Sanctus XVIII
    Memorial Acclamation C: Esguerra
    Lord's Prayer: Sacramentary
    Agnus Dei XVIII
    Communion Antiphon and Psalm: Hoc corpus — Gregorian chant, Mode VIII, with verses from Psalm 22(23)
    Communion Motets:
    — "A new commandment" — Mundy
    — "O bone Iesu" — Ingegneri
    — "Christus factus est...ad mortem." — Anerio
    Post-communion hymn: "At that first Eucharist"
    Transfer of the Holy Eucharist: Pange lingua gloriosi — Gregorian chant, mode III
    Stripping of the Altar: Psalm 21(22), English (Revised Grail), Mundelein/Weber Mode If psalm tone harmonized for TTB
  • Pittsburgh Oratory of St. Philip Neri:

    Prelude - Nos autem
    Processional hymn - At That First Eucharist
    Kyrie XVI
    Gloria VIII
    Resp. psalm - Our blessing cup... by Aristotle Esguerra
    Gospel acc. - Praise to you, Lord... by Aristotle Esguerra
    Chant at the washing of feet - Ubi caritas est vera
    Offertory hymn - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (first 3 verses)
    Sanctus XVIII
    Pater noster
    Agnus XVIII
    Communion - Hoc corpus
    Pange lingua
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,203
    The local group of unemployed Catholic musicians went to St. Francis de Sales in Mableton,GA, the home for the EF in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. As I do not report to my new position until May, it seemed a good time to go. The liturgy was stunning in its execution and impressive to say the least.

    Propers from the Graduale. A small schola of men and then a larger group of mixed voices for the motets.
    Missa VIII for the ordinary.
    Christus Factus est by Bruckner for the gradual.
    Ave Verum-Byrd Second communion after the proper.
    Pange Lingua during the procession of the Blessed Sacrament.
    Antiphons 1-3 during the footwasing.

    A truly beautiful, prayerful and marvelous experience. And a lovely community to pray with. Lots of young families and a mix of ethnicities. The stereotype of the EF parishes does not wash at St. Francis.
    Kudos to our EF parish in Atlanta.

    On to Kentucky in May.
  • PaixGioiaAmorPaixGioiaAmor
    Posts: 1,473
    Prelude: Nos Autem, Graduale Romanum

    Introit (Entrance) Hymn: Then Let Us Glory In the Cross, Tune: DUNGUET, Text: Christoph Tietze, From the collection INTROIT HYMNS by WLP.

    Kyrie: XVI

    Gloria: A Community Mass, Proulx

    Psalm: Composed by myself

    Gospel Acc.: Fr. Sam Weber, OSB arrangement, simple chant tone

    Washing of feet: Vs. 1 of "Where Charity and Love Prevail" as refrain, with simple chanted verses using texts from the sacramentary

    Preparation: Ubi Caritas, chanted in unison by schola, choir, and congregation on refrains

    Sanctus: XVIII

    Memorial Acc.: New ICEL chant with current correct words

    Amen: Chanted on one tone

    Agnus Dei: Mass for 3 Voices, A. Lotti

    Communion: Hoc Corpus, Graduale Romanum
    Eat This Bread, J. Berthier
    Panis Angelicus, G. P. da Palestrina

    Pange Lingua
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,206
    Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Parafia Matki Boże Szkaplerznej), Wyandotte Michigan

    Prelude: "Ubi caritas" from the St. Augustine Organbook by Gerald Near

    Entrance: Lift High the Cross

    Kyrie: "Missa Jubilate Deo"
    Gloria: Mass VIII (accompanied; organ off from this point on)
    Responsorial Psalm: "Our Blessing Cup" (from an unknown source)
    Gospel Acclamation: (According to the setting from the "People's Mass" by Vermulst)

    Mandatum: Antiphon with psalm verses, "A new commandment I give you" from By Flowing Water
    Offertory: "Ubi caritas" (Latin hymn)

    Sanctus: "Missa Jubilate Deo"
    Mysterium fidei (common chant)
    Amen: (simple chant)
    Our Father (Ojce nasz; according to a Polish folk chant)
    Agnus Dei: "Missa Jubilate Deo"

    Hymns at Communion: At That First Eucharist, Humbly We Adore Thee, Mój Mistrzu

    At the Procession to the Altar of Repose: Sing My Tongue the Savior's Glory/Pange Lingua (4 verses in English, first two repeated in Latin)
    At the Altar of Repose: "Tantum ergo" (in Latin)

    Meditation at the Altar of Repose: Płobogosław, nas o Panie (a traditional Polish devotional hymn)
  • If we all could regard these lists from the perspective of where we were ten years ago, we should, at once, leap for joy and kneel in humility at the progress that is being made real; a new solar system is evolving, so to speak.
    Earlier this week, in a phone conversation with one of our colleagues, I mentioned that I was so looking forward to Triduum/Easter. Later that day the repertoire choices were challenged by one of our vicars, embroiling us both in contention, very sorrowful (how quickly the worm turns.) But God still works HIS purpose out within us. And the gift of the liturgy on this foundational night was self-evidently rendered in truth.
    As I type, the proclamation of the Passion at St. Peter's Basilica has just concluded. The schola sounded wonderful.
    St. Peters....schola....wonderful.....He makes all things new.
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 354
    St. Olaf Catholic Church; Bountiful, UT. Dr. Myron Patterson, Music Director and Organist.
    I was the Cantor for this Mass.

    Preludes: Organ Improvisation on "Take Up Your Cross"
    Introit: "Nos autem" (chanted by Bryan Close and myself)
    Entrance Hymn: "Take Up Your Cross", Everest/Erhalt Uns Herr (OCP Breaking Bread)
    Kyrie: Option C
    Gloria: "Mass Of Hope", Becket Senchur, OSB
    Responsorial Psalm: "Our Blessing Cup" (Psalm 116), Owen Alstott (OCP R&A)
    Gospel Acclimation: John 13:34, Owen Alstott (OCP R&A)
    Washing of Feet: "The Servant Song", Richard Gillard (OCP Breaking Bread)
    Offretory: "Ubi Caritas" (traditional Latin chant; OCP Breaking Bread has an accurate modern notation rendition)
    Sanctus: "A Community Mass", Richard Proulx (1977 Revision)
    Memorial Acclamation: Refrain: "When We Eat This Bread", MIchael Joncas
    Amen: "A Community Mass"
    Our Father/Deliver Us, Lord: Chant
    Agnus Dei: "A Community Mass"
    Communio: "Hoc corpus", Simple English Propers, Adam Bartlett
    Communion Hymn: Gift Of Finest Wheat, Westendorf/Kreutz (Bicentennial)
    Hymn of Repose: "Pange Lingua/Tantum Ergo" (traditional Latin chant, OCP Breaking Bread has an accurate modern notation rendition)
  • advocatusadvocatus
    Posts: 85
    St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
    Leawood, Kansas

    Entrance Antiphon: We Should Glory in the Cross (By Flowing Waters/Simple Gradual)
    Hymn: At That First Eucharist
    Kyrie: Missa XVI
    Gloria: Mass of the Bells (Alexander Peloquin)
    Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 116 (Michel Guimont)
    Gospel Acclamation: Glory to You, O Word of God (Richard Proulx)
    Mandatum: Whoever Would Be Great Among You (Ronald A. Nelson)
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas (Laurence Rosania)
    Sanctus: Corpus Christi Mass (Richard Proulx)
    Memorial Acclamation: Corpus Christi Mass (Richard Proulx)
    Amen: Corpus Christi Mass (Richard Proulx)
    Agnus Dei: Missa XVII
    Communion: Lamb of God, Most Holy (F. Melius Christiansen)
    Communion: Take and Eat (Michael Joncas)
    Communion: Ave verum Corpus (Josquin des Pres)
    Procession: Pange lingua gloriosi (chant)
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    St. John's Catholic Chapel, Champaign, IL

    Prelude: Improvisation on "Ubi Caritas"
    Introit: Tietze paraphrase of "Nos Autem" (OLD 100TH)
    Kyrie: XVI
    Gloria: Community Mass (Proulx)
    (No organ from this point until Easter Vigil)
    Psalm: Weber
    GA: "Praise to you . . . " (chant)
    Washing of Feet: The Wisdom of God (H. Morber), Antiphons from American Gradual
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas (chant and Durufle)
    Sanctus XVIII
    Mortem Tuam
    Amen (chant)
    Our Father (English chant--Snow)
    Agnus XVIII
    Communion: English adaptation of "Hoc Corpus"
    Post-Communion: Ave Verum Corpus (Byrd)
    Procession: Pange Lingua (chant) and Tantum Ergo(Kevin Allen, C major)
  • Heath, it was an honor to enfold the Mandatum with your piece. Were we the only two parishes....?
    I had a good friend tenor who showed up unnannounced, sang with us. After he inquired about "Wisdom," replied it was just written a couple of weeks ago by an internet colleague. Look on his face? Priceless.
    Thanked by 1Heath
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    rollingrj, neat to see that. Dr. Patterson's son was a classmate of mine in graduate school. Small world!
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    Holy Thursday, April 21, 2011
    St. David of Wales, Richmond CA

    Proc.: At that first Eucharist UNDE ET MEMORES
    Kyrie & Gloria: Schubert's deutsche Messe
    Gradual ps. (Guil)
    Gospel accl. (orbis factor)
    Reception of the Holy Oils: Schiavone chants
    Mandatum: Maneant in vobis (English, using the other antiphon texts as verses. We needed quite a bit to cover the setting up of folding chairs, and unfortunately werent loud enough to mask the premature strepitus. Tallis' If ye love me is in reserve for Easter V this year.)
    Off: Ubi caritas unison chant in English
    Sanctus & Agnus XVIII
    Comm: Hoc corpus (solo while choir recieved, translation in place of verse)
    Comm. hymn: Draw near and take ANIMA CHRISTI
    Proc: Weave a song/ Pange lingua (alternating verses)
    Stripping of the Altar: ps 51 (stripped down tone 4)
  • ChaedatylChaedatyl
    Posts: 45
    St. Peter Parish, Volo, IL
    Chorus Veritatis Splendor (the parish's new motet choir)

    Introit: from Gregorian Missal
    Kyrie: Missa Brevis by Lotti
    Gloria, from Chant Mass VIII
    Gradual and Tract from Gregorian Missal
    Washing of the Feet: "I Give You A New Commandment" by John Shepperd
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas by Durufle, followed by Ubi Caritas from the Gregorian Missal
    Sanctus/Benedictus/Agnus Dei: Missa Brevis, Lotti
    Communion Proper: from the Gregorian Missal
    Communion Motets: Christ in Gethsemane by Phil Krawchuk (one of our choir members)
    then Stabat Mater by Pergolesi, with a string quartet
    Procession to the Altar of Reposition: Pange LIngua, traditional chant
    Stripping of the Altar: Psalm 22 by Charles Giffen, without the refrain. The packed congregation loved this...the whole church (minus about 3 people) stayed until the very end of the stripping of the altar.

    We had a blast. This is my favorite liturgy of the whole calendar!