These are not the figures that I have seen. Isn't "actual" salary usually commensurate with experience and education? Plus, the job description of one Music Director may differ from another. How many choirs in total? Funeral/weddings included or fee'd separately? Etc...
I don't think I'm alone in thinking that the vast majority of music directors are both underpaid and underappreciated. Not complaining, it's very worthwhile, but shouldn't it be a higher priority in the payroll allotment arena? People tend to shy away from this, do they not, discussing the green schtuff?
I am not sure what you mean by "what you have seen".
This is just a chart of available information, and useful as it is.
The AGO has a guide that includes information about adjusting their scale for your area. If you want to delve into hours, degrees and compensation, go to the AGO site:
The list at Noel's link doesn't claim to be representative or average. It's just a list of salaries, from US Dept of Labor data, reported for certain employers, where the employer's name or the job title contain the word "Catholic".
HOW can a discussion go "off-topic" when it never even had a question to begin with????!!!
Were you trying to ask everyone how much *they* made, so you could compare? Cuz if that's the information that you were seeking, which no one was providing, since they didn't actually know you were seeking it, which made you start sinking this discussion...well, you didn't do a very good job of asking...!
If it's true that you were "seeking" the "sharing" of information, well, people said, "I don't think that's very accurate," which is certainly a form of "sharing."
Not a single person said anything which did NOT have anything to do with Catholic church musicians getting paid, or how much!
I suppose my question is what percentage of a parish's income goes to the music budget? That seems more pertinent than salary amount. Mara and I have both worked at churches with minuscule and shrinking incomes, but I didn't complain about my salary, and I doubt she would either. At my present (Episcopal) job, I believe my overall budget is 5% of the parish income. My salary won't make anyone here jealous, but I appreciate the generosity shown me by a parish already strapped for money with much to fund.
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