Query regarding the Gradual Alleluia and the 'normal' Alleluia in the Ordinary Form
  • cgh21
    Posts: 6
    I'm trying to piece together the music for a Mass on Easter Saturday this year and have came up against my own ignorance. If anyone can help I'd be grateful!

    In the Graduale Triplex for the Saturday one can find the Alleluia-Haec Dies (the 'Gradual' Alleluia I suppose one could call it) and the normal Alleluia (Laudate Dominum). Which is sung? And does one sing the Sequence or not? From what I can gather, looking at the GIRM (63) and the preface to the Ordo Cantus Missae one either has the first (and only reading), the Gradual Alleluia and then the Gospel or the first reading, sequence and 'normal' Alleluia (Laudate Dominum) and then the Gospel. Is this correct?

    And another question (which will probably get lost!): is the Orate Frates obliged to be said out loud in the Ordinary Form (i.e. will the organist have to grind to a halt) or not?

    Hope you can help!
  • Very interesting. There's an instruction in the Graduale Romanum as follows:

    9. Quoties una tantum fit lectio ante Evangelium, post eam cantatur Responsorium Graduale vel Alleluia cum suo verso. Tempore autem paschali canitur alterutrum Alleluia.

    My rough translation (correction welcome): When there is only one reading done before the Gospel, afterwards, the Gradual Responsory or Alleluia with its verse is sung. During paschal time, either Alleluia is sung.

    So it seems you get to choose one. So during the Easter octave (Sunday-Friday), there's a Gradual and Alleluia, but starting on Easter Saturday, there are two Alleluias. I vaguely remember a rubric that allows the Sequence during the octave, but I don't have it at hand.
  • cgh21
    Posts: 6
    Yes, that's what I've gathered too. A shame, as I fancy having the Sequence and the Haec Dies (and having my cake and eating it too!).

    There's this comment also (Ordo Cantus Missae, 8): When the Alleluia and its verse are not sung, the sequence is omitted.

    I'm assuming 'Alleluia' here refers to the Alleluia-Laudate Dominum. Given the order of the Sequence in the OF (Sequence > Alleluia) one couldn't really have the Gradual Alleluia after the Sequence and before the Gospel, could you?

    All very confusing!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,226
    I wouldn't take these norms as forbidding the choir to sing both the Gradual and the Alleluia, but merely as indications of what is sufficient.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    Yes, it is supposed that only one of the Alleluias is sung, though singing them both on Easter Saturday is surely not the worst liturgical abuse that comes to my mind.

    Yes, the Sequence may be sung or ommitted ad libitum during the octave. I'm quite sure that if you end up singing only one of the two Alleluias you can keep the Sequence with any of them.

    Yes, the Orate fratres must be said out loud. Ideally it should be sung together with the Suscipiat. The proper chant has been posted in this forum sometime ago.
  • cgh21
    Posts: 6
    Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I've decided just to have everything (and why not?)!