Bound books of Sacred Music
  • I'm consider cobbling together the scanned issues of SACRED MUSIC into large bound volumes. So it would be volumes 120-125 in a single book, for example.

    This is going to take some time -- not a whole lot but some (and of course time itself is very expensive).

    My question is whether you might have any sense as to whether these are valuable, i.e. will people buy them.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,877
    it would be better to distill the files as postcript files and they will be very small that way. you also will not have to scan anything as they can be distilled directly into pdf from the publishing files. who does the layout and in which program?
  • Jeffery,
    I wonder if people might be more likely to buy books of compiled SACRED MUSIC articles according to topic: e.g., Gregorian Chant; Church Documents and Sacred Music; Liturgy and Sacred Music; Defining “Sacred Music;” Music and Prayer; Sacred Music History; and the like.
  • musico48
    Posts: 16
    What I would like to see are copies of the Caecilia Magazine dating back to the early 30's to the 50's I mentioned this to Fr. Skeris when he was visiting Vancouver a few moth ago. These issues would shed a light on WHAT REALLY WAS BEING USED AT MASS prior to Vaticanll!!! Incidently. I was a chorister-altar server in the 50's to mid 60's era, so I ad a first and experience of what was going on. According to the Caecilia Magazine writers and readers there were "liturgical" music debates raging as well!!! NIHIL NOVUM SUB SOLUM EST!!!
    P.S. I found Fr. Skeris a very interesting priest to talk to. Thank you Fr. Skeris, as well as my friends a the traditional Learning Academy in Coquitlam BC(a suburb of Vancouver.
  • athome
    Posts: 31
    I would buy them. The money spent would obviously go to a good cause. :)
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    Well, if anyone has time to pull together back issues in a pdf and make a cover and send them, please email me.