Recordings for Radio Play
  • I am the director of music for a new Catholic Radio network in the Pittsburgh, PA called We Are One Body. This network is dedicated to showing the oneness of the Body of Christ through prayer and teaching. We will be broadcasting the Divine Office, Mass, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet from all over the country and eventually (God willing), the world. Sacred Music is an important part of our programming. I would love to get recordings of the Sacred Music people are performing throughout the Church. This would include recordings of chant, polyphony, new works, etc. If you are interested in helping out in this project, please email me at
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    I've got a great one for you! I'll send an email right away...
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,022
    Joshua. Contact me at my office: Thanks.
  • Hello Joshua,
    I have just sent you an e-mail on the above mentioend email address concerning your post. Please check it !
