Monastic Diurnal and the Antiphonale Monasticum
  • bgeorge77
    Posts: 190
    Just purchased the Monastic Diurnal from St Michael's Abbey:

    It is a reprint of the 63 diurnal.

    1. To what extent was the monastic Divine Office restructured post-Vatican II
    2. and are the books from Solesmes (Antiphonale Monasticum I, II and III) useful for the sung office using the 63 diurnal?

    Any links to websites or articles that explain this will be appreciated. Thank you all!
  • The monastic office has stayed virtually the same, though many Benedictine communities have given up on that office all together or simply make up their own since the council. The PSALTERIUM MONASTICUM which came out in the late 70's or early 80's shows the psalm arrangement the same, there are some little changes, though the only one I can think of is in Compline, though the 3 psalms have stayed the same.. The PM was often used in conjunction with the ANTIPHONALE MONASTICUM (1933), and now with the NEW Antiphonale Monasticum, some communities are slowly changing over (St Cecilia's, Isle of Wight, for example). As the new AM is in 3 volumes, it is a little difficult to use, I still use the AM-1933 which last I checked was still in print. I am slowly buying the three volumes of the new AM, but more for interest. The biggest change you'll notice is in the calendar. Also, according to the nuns at St Cecilia's, you have to hunt a bit to find Prime in the new AM, but it is still there.
  • awruff
    Posts: 94
    There is no Benedictine Office for the entire order now. Rome approved the Thesaurus Liturgae Horarum Monasticae which gives several possible distributions of psalms, with or without Prime, and states explicitly that this is not binding and communities are free to use the Thesaurus as a resource in developing their own office. So it's not quite "giving up on" an office since there isn't one, and it's not quite "mak[ing] up their own" since they're doing what the Church allows and asks for. The new Antiphonale Monasticum follows the first suggested psalm distribution of the Thesaurus but makes some allowance for other plans by providing various options.
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 764
    What you are permitted to do and what is an authentic, organic development of your tradition are not necessarily the same thing, Fr. Ruff.

    I'm glad to see you commenting here. I hope you take the opportunity to consider the freedom of speech and minimal editorial intervention that are particular strengths of this place.
  • bgeorge77
    Posts: 190
    Mr Morse, thank you for your response.

    Do you know where one might acquire the AM 1933? Also you mentioned the Psalterium Monasticum, I am guessing there is a difference in them between the old Clemintine Vulgate and the Neo Vulgate?

    Again, thanks for your help!
  • I just checked, and found the ANTIPHONALE MONASTICUM (1934) offered on the GIA website. Solesmes has kept it in print all these years, though I don't know if they will continue with the new AM know available. It agrees with the Monastic Diurnal for the most part with the exception of some feasts and the grading of feasts (1st, 2nd, and 3rd class feasts instead of Doubles, Semi=doubles, etc which was changed in the late 1950's I believe).