Question re: Laetare Sunday in EF
  • JennyJenny
    Posts: 147
    I found out only recently that our 'occasional' schola will be singing for Laetare Sunday. We have not yet done a Mass during Lent and I want to make sure I have all the changes correct. We are using the Lenten ordinary and the Propers of the day.

    Obviously, no Gloria, no 'alleluias'.

    Do we sing the 'Gloria Patri' after the Introit?
    Do we sing the Credo?
    At other Masses, we have sung the Salve Regina as a 'Recessional'. Should we refrain this time?
    Any other comments/suggestions are welcome. Assume that I know nothing :)
  • Jenny:

    The Gloria Patri is sung per usual. It's only omitted during Passiontide (i.e. starting on Passion Sunday). This applies to both the Asperges and the Introit.

    Credo is sung per usual, as it is every Sunday.

    There's no reason why the Salve Regina couldn't be sung, though the Ave Regina caelorum (the Marian antiphon for Septuagesimatide and Lent) would be more seasonally appropriate.

    Have fun with those propers! They're some of the best of the year. (It's become almost an annual tradition in one of my scholas for someone to remark on Stark Trek each time we arrive at the word "montes" in the Tract.)
  • JennyJenny
    Posts: 147
    Thanks, David!
  • At what time is your Mass?
  • JennyJenny
    Posts: 147
    St. Bartholomew's (Manchester) 2PM
    the new church on MD Rt. 30
    Be kind; we're amateurs :)
  • You'll be great!
    I'll be in York then.
    Let me know if I can ever be of help.
  • JennyJenny
    Posts: 147
    Thanks for the offer.

    Where in York?