Which Gregorian Mass is prescribed for Ash Wednesday in the EF???
  • I cant figure it out! I found one for ferias in Lent and another for Sundays...but what about this??? HELP PLEASE!!!
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    According to one website,
    «Q. Must the Requiem Mass be said, at least when the Rubric permits it?
    A. Although it would seem proper, it is not an essential condition. The obligation is satisfied by saying the Mass of the day.»
  • m_kramer_2004: If you're asking about the chanted Mass Ordinary, the one suggested for the Lenten ferias, i.e., Mass XVIII, is also suggested for Ash Wednesday, which itself is a feria.

    Perhaps too late for this year, but there's always next year.
    Thanked by 1PhilipJFillion
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > If you're asking about the chanted Mass Ordinary

    Sorry, but though when I read «Gregorian Mass» I first did think about looking for chants in the Graduale, I then reasoned that the question (phrased as it was) should actually be about those thirty Masses said on consecutive days for the eternal rest of a soul... :( They're actually called «Gregorian Masses»...