Lenten Gospel Acclamation ~ IN LATIN ~
  • Folks out there,
    Has anyone seen other chant settings IN LATIN of the numerous Gospel acclamations provided for Lent?
    I am drowning in English settings but have seen only a single Latin setting, the one in the Parish Book of Chant.
    At the College we will be doing Graduale Simplex chants in Latin most days during Lent, so more than one option would be welcome.
    Many thanks,
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,000
    Psallite Domino - canti per la messa (2007) gives three options for the 'acclamzioni al vangelo per la Quaresima': Laus tibi Christe, which is different from the one in the Parish Book of Chant (see the attached file), as well as the antiphon Qui verbum Dei (AM 322) and the refrain Gloria laus et honor of the hymn to Christ, the King (although the latter two are not in the Lectionary).

    In Milano, they use yet another version of Laus tibi Christe:
  • [Here they are, for those who do not know them.]

    1. Gloria et laus tibi, Christe.
    2. Gloria tibi, Christe, Sapientia Dei Patris.
    3. Gloria tibi, Christe, Verbum Dei.
    4. Gloria tibi, Domine, Fili Dei vivi.
    5. Laus et honor tibi, Domine Iesu.
    6. Laus tibi, Christe, Rex aeternae gloriae.
    7. Magna et mirabilia opera tua, Domine.
    8. Salus et gloria et virtus Domino Iesu Christo.
  • It seems that there is not an overwhelming desire or need for Latin-language Gospel Acclamations in Lent. Perhaps proving once again that the divide between the OF and the EF really is a divide between the vernacular and Latin (as in the misnomer "Latin Mass"), although one would think that acclamations are an easy and obvious place to begin to reintroduce Latin, as they are short and snappy.

    However, eternal optimist that I am, I pressed my search all the way to the chant master Fr. Samuel Weber, who kindly provided six lovely settings in Latin. Here they are.
    Lent Gospel Acclamations 2010.pdf
  • These are beautiful!
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Man, I wish I'd seen these last weekend when I was putting together our music for 3rd Sunday of Lent! Darn.

    Do you have translations, for us lazy types? It's critical for me to know what we're singing.