HELP QUICK: Music for Ash Wednesday school Mass.
  • I am pretty certain that even now the people in charge of the music at my Catholic elementary school are planning something really especially heinous for Ash Wednesday Mass.

    I think I basically have their ear, but I have to come up with proposals for music that kids can learn quickly and without accompaniment.

    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated, and will almost certainly be substantially helpful in keeping me from having jingle-jangle-clap-clap induced seizures.
  • rogue63
    Posts: 410
    Parce Domine----it's in most hymnals as a Latin antiphon with English verses. I know for sure it's in GIA's Ritualsong and Worship III, and the psalm verses are set to the Tonus Peregrinus, which is relatively easy. That should be doable between now and Ash Wednesday. The antiphon is also available on the MusicaSacra sidebar under "Chants of the Church".
  • Attende Domine, one of my favorite chant melodies!
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    Both the above recommendations are great, and from my experience are even "folk Mass" safe. Just don't do "Ashes"!
  • Excellent! Thank you all! Keep it coming!
  • The Litany of the Saints as the entrance .