Sound Files for AUG and/or GIA The Passion (G-4988)
  • Dear Forum,

    Do any of you know of any recordings of the Anglican Use Gradual and of the GIA The Passion of our Lord chants, particularly this year's Passion reading and Good Friday?

    Thank you,
    Bob Grant
  • francis
    Posts: 10,866
    I can probably record the AUG for you. Will be back in office tomorrow.
  • Francis, that would be great ... what I was looking for in the AUG is The Reproaches for Good Friday, but if the entire AUG is recorded, what a great thing to have. Also, for GIA, they do not have any such recordings of the Passion just their big red book.

    Bob Grant
  • francis
    Posts: 10,866

    wow. The entire AUG would take a while! I can do the passion, possibly the reproaches, but still doing a piece for Paul Ford. What page is the Passion on?
  • Francis,

    If I got the Reproaches on page 119 of AUG, that would be so wonderful. The Passion is actually out of the large red GIA book ... but not important for recording, the Reproaches from the AUG is perfect.

  • francis
    Posts: 10,866
    Is there a setting of the passion in the AUG? I am not finding it.
  • Francis, I don't think there is. I would rather just the Reproaches at this poing, page 119 of the AUG. The Passion came from the GIA books not the AUG.

    Again, thank you so much!
  • Dear Francis,

    I just listened to your settings of O Vos Omnes ... they are so beautiful in in character of the season, may I have a pdf of both?

    Thank you so much,
    Bob Grant
  • francis
    Posts: 10,866
    Hi Bob:

    I have a clear and easy process to receive scores. Go to this page:

    You can license PDF files (usually two years at a time) or you can purchase Print on Demand octavos which last a long time. PDF's are free for those who qualify, and octavos cost money, depending on size of order.

    Hope to hear from you soon.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,866
    Hi Bob:

    Here's the scoop. I am suspecting that you are a musician of modern notation, and the Gregorian staff is throwing you a bit. If that is the case, here is my newly innovated hybrid solution! Because I have done a formal comparison (see and then click on the Gregorian Modes Demystified), I was also able to innovate a hybrid font that is superimposed over the Gregorian notation and converts it accurately into modern notation. TA DAHHHH!

    What I apply is an extra line to the staff (either at top or bottom, depending on the mode), a new key signature and the Hybrid Cleff,

    (I guess I will call this new innovation the "Koerber Hybrid Chant Code" Method [KoHyChaCode]. That is pronounced Ko-Hi-Cha-Code! You will see it embedded in the PDF on the following link. It's Simply Mathematical!

    So, instead of singing and recording the music for you, you will now (I hope) be able to read this easily yourself! Let me know how this works out. I will post the next two pages soon.

    Sincerely Yours in JMJ,

    Francis Koerber

  • francis
    Posts: 10,866
    OK... The rest of the score is finished... took all of a couple of minutes.


    Bob... If the neumes are still too difficult to read through or if you are thinking of the recording as an aid for your choir, let me know and I will put the track down tomorrow.
  • Francis, thank you so much!

    I should have been clear about the nature of the need ... I am having to bring in some outside guests of the priest who for the Passion chant and the Reproaches; however, unlike our schola, the guests cannot read chant notation so I needed to have a sound file to help them catch up with us since we will not be meeting altogether until the Saturday before Holy Week, which is just a little to close for me. I am sure the modern notation will help these outside guests and will ease my nerves ... I thank you once again.

  • francis
    Posts: 10,866
    No Problem!

    I am excited about this new method to unchain the thousands of chant volumes and free them to the masses!

    If you still need a recording do let me know.
  • Aaron
    Posts: 110
    Does anyone have access to an english recording of the GIA St. John Passion (large red leather book)? I need to give my pastor a recording so that he can practice his part, if not I can make it myself, but just checking if there is anything out there. Thanks.
  • Heath
    Posts: 966

    Sorry, just got a chance to see this thread. I have a couple files for the Passion recordings and you're welcome to them. I did them in haste, but they should be adequate. E-mail me if you'd like them.
