Evangelia Cantata: the gospels notated for singing
SING TO THE LORD in Spanish?
  • Does anyone have a URL of SttL in Spanish?
  • It's a USCCB publication and not available on the net.
  • Yes, Dr. Ford, I noticed that at the site. I couldn't even navigate the site to find the Spanish title there to buy it. Got a URL for that?
  • Here's a routine reminder: These reminders are displayed randomly, and are not based on users' comments.
  • Gracias, and you ain't a whistlin' Dixie 'bout that site! Any wonder?
    How's Camarillo holding up with the storms?
    Headed to SF/Oak for a funeral shortly. Hope the roads are clear.
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,574
    I have been looking for an online PDF of the Spanish for some time
    for my (annoying to CMAA Forum readers)
    favorite project (Liturgical Music Document Literacy Challenge)

    The USCCB Publishing website is not impossible to use.
    Just frustrating. Very frustrating.

    in the banner search box erase the unhelpful word "Search" and replace with: sing to the lord
    click GO
    there are 20 hits
    first are the items in English, listed alphabetically by title
    second are the items in Spanish, apparently listed randomly

    For fun ...

    click the English publication Sing to the Lord
    scroll down and peruse the Related Titles
    No mention of the Spanish version

    click the Spanish publication Cantemos al Senor
    scroll down and peruse the Related Titles
    The English version IS listed

    Has any CMAA member done a side-by-side comparision
    (e.g., consistent translation of certain words, sentence meaning, etc)
    of the English and Spanish texts?