Vesperale for Sundays and Feasts to be expected next week
  • Yesterday, I asked Solesmes about the availability of the missing antiphons for Sunday Lauds and Vespers according to the Ordo Cantus Officii (1983). In the OCO these antiphons are marked with an asterisk (nondum editum). This is their reply:

    Dear Sir

    the Vesperal for Sundays and feats according Lituriga Horarum will be available in Solesmes editions next wek.
    For Laud you will have to be patient.
    Daniel Saulnier

    This is great news! I didn't expect to see such a publication this soon.

  • Steven--This is wonderful news! Hopefully we won't have to wait another 40 years for the rest!
  • RobertRobert
    Posts: 343
    Fantastic news!
  • Maybe this is why the abbot of Solesmes had an audience with the pope yesterday.
  • RobertRobert
    Posts: 343
    Has anyone heard anything more about this? Still nothing in the Editions Solesmes online catalogue.
  • *float*

    Is there anymore news on this? We've already crossed the "next week" mark and then some...
  • Gilbert
    Posts: 106
    Solesmes now has it on their website!

    Antiphonale Romanum II
  • This is a "Google translate" translation of the narrative given in French in the above link: (sorry, my French is rather poor...)

    Vespers Sing Sunday in Gregorian chant, and according to the present liturgy is finally possible, nearly thirty years after the publication of Liturgy Horarum.

    The Antiphonale Romanum II is a book of 800 pages of paper bible, the usual format of books of Gregorian chant at Solesmes. The volume is adorned with a beautiful cover skai marble, an elegant dark red, reinforced backs, and two favorites, touge and gold.

    The book contains all the elements necessary to singing of Vespers for Sundays and festivals of the year. That is to say, hymns, antiphons, psalms and hymns, readings, short-responses, prayers of intercession and the concluding prayers. At the end of the book, a chapter explains in detail the rules of song from each of these genres.

    The book follows the provisions of the Liturgy of the Hours, by using the wealth of content Gregorian chant in medieval manuscripts and the later tradition. The proposed melodies are edited in accordance with the requirements of the critical current musicology.

    These melodies are presented in their pastoral edition is tailored to the needs of amateur choirs: all the verses of hymns are noted, and pointed to the letterpress each verse adaptation of the psalm tones.

    In accordance with the wishes of Vatican II (Sacrosanctum Concilium n. 100) is by editing the volume of Vespers for Sundays and festivals that began publication of Antiphonale Romanum.
  • Two things pique my interest:

    1. "At the end of the book, a chapter explains in detail the rules of song from each of these genres."


    2. "These melodies are presented in their pastoral edition is tailored to the needs of amateur choirs:"

    It seems that at long last some of the fruits of "late Solesmes" chant scholarship and the (true) intentions of Vatican II regarding the importance of chant in the life of the Church are finally are coming forth! So exciting to see this happen!
  • This is wonderfull! I ordered a copy right away.
  • Marcel
    Posts: 13
    The quality of the Antiphonale Monasticum, published by Solesmes in the passed years, is quite bad: a large number of new antiphons and with little respect for the manuscripts, as everyone who has knowledge of Gregorian chant can notice. I am afraid that the same is true for the new Vesperal, so be careful before spending money!
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    I have ordered mine. I am not a scholar, but merely a lowly singer striving to get Sunday vespers sung more frequently in my home parish. To this end, this volume is incredibly useful and needed. I ordered my today.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    When someone gets one I should like to know if the Ordo Cantus Officii is followed without deviation in what the distribution of antiphons is concerned. I ask this because in another discussion in this forum Steven van Roode mentioned (much to my surprise) that the bilingual (Latin-French) Les Heures Grégoriennes (three volumes with all the Hours bar the Office of Readings for the whole year) does not, even though published as Editio iuxta Typicam. So I wonder what the case is with this Vesperal.
  • Why would one want to chant vespers in Latin in the new rite rather than vespers in the traditional rite?
  • Gilbert
    Posts: 106
    There are several reasons I could think that someone would want to chant Vespers in Latin in the new rite rather than the traditional one.

    1. You are unable to use the Traditional Rite because those in charge, such as a pastor, is not open to it.

    2. Most people who pray the office use the newer form, so they're more familiar with it.

    3. Maybe? Isn't the newer Vespers a little bit shorter? Maybe people are more open to going if it takes 20 minutes as opposed to 30?

    4. It's in line with the newer Calendar, so if one goes to Sunday Mass in the newer Form, then they won't be confused.

    5. The hymn texts have been restored to their original forms.
  • RobertRobert
    Posts: 343
    Fr. Ruff asks an interesting question at Pray Tell: why Antiphonale Romanum II? Isn't the nearly thirty year old Liber Hymnarius the second volume of the Antiphonale Romanum?
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    I second number 2. and number 4 from Gilbert. While I am aware of criticisms of Liturgia Horarum by those more knowledgeable than I, it is the Office prayed by most clergy, religious and many laity the world over. For people who attend Sunday mass in the OF (the vast majority), attending a Sunday evening Vespers offers further opportunity for prayer and reflection on that day in the liturgical year. And for those who might bring along their own volume of the Liturgy of the Hours it will match the familiar format.
  • jgirodjgirod
    Posts: 45
    2 errata in the translation further above:
    and 2 bookmarks (favorites), *red* and gold. (assuming the French version itself has an erratum: touge instead of rouge)
    hymns, antiphons, psalms and *canticles*
    "pointed to the letterpress each verse adaptation of the psalm tones" means that the accent(s) and preparatory syllables of the mediant and final are typeset distinctly.
  • Ah, many thanks for these observations. The restored hymns are valuable. I exist entirely in an EF world, so the rest is moot for me.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > assuming the French version itself has an erratum

    The French version does have several mistakes and blatant typos, something strange when we think Solesmes is, well, in France...
  • My copy was delivered about an hour ago. It's a beautiful edition.

    > When someone gets one I should like to know if the Ordo Cantus Officii is followed without deviation in what the distribution of antiphons is
    > concerned.

    I quickly browsed through the Sundays of Lent, and it's very clear that the new Antiphonale Romanum deviates quite often from the Ordo cantus Officii. On almost every Sunday of Lent, there is at least one antiphon that isn't according to the Ordo.

    Perhaps the Decretum in front of the Antiphonale might throw some light on this, but my Latin isn't good enough to understand it completely (emphasis is mine):

    Prot. N. 743/08/L

    de variationibus quibusdam
    in editionem typicam Ordinis cantus Officii inducendis

    Iam vigesimum quintum celebratur iubilæum editionis typicæ Ordinis cantus Officii, die 25 mensis martii anno 1983 de Summi Pontificis Ioannis Pauli PP. II mandato prælo datæ, quæ nova sua ratione in cantibus disponendis necessitatibus eorum respondit, qui celebrationem Liturgiæ Horarum lingua latina peragunt.
    Post editionem illam amplum opus melodicæ instaurationis antiphonarum peractum est, quod antiquos oblitos fontes manuscriptos sicut et congruum Mediæ Ætatis numerum restituit antiphonarum, quæ etiamdum repertorium cantuum in Officio Divino Liturgiæ Romanæ adhibitum ditari valent, iuxta mandata Patrum Concilii Œcumenici Vaticani II: «Thesaurus musicæ sacræ summa cura servetur et foveatur» (Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 114).
    Proinde, hæc Congregatio, vigore facultatum a Summo Pontifice BENEDICTO XVI tributarum, attento opere a Solesmensibus Monachis parato, necnon consulto Pontificio Instituto de Musica Sacra, introductionem variationum quarundam quoad antiphonas et responsoria in editionem vigentem Ordinis cantus Officii approbavit. Curæ erit huic Dicasterio, ut supradictæ variationes et additiones publici iuris fiant.

    Contrariis quibuslibet minime obstantibus.

    Ex ædibus Congreationis de Culto Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum, die 2 mensis octobris 2008, in memoria Ss. Angelorum Custodum.

    + Franciscus Card. Arinze

    + Albertus Malcolmus Ranjith
    Archiepiscopus a Secretis
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    I hope it's not too off the mark (I'm no trustworthy Latinist and English is not my mother language anyway). But the point is that the Ordo Cantus Officii has been superseded with this new Vesperal. It appears that a reordering of responsories for Matins / Office of Readings has been undertaken as well.

    Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments
    Prot. N. 743/08/L

    Decree on some changes to be introduced in the typical edition of the Order for Singing the Office

    The 25th anniversary of the typical edition of the Order for Singing the Office (commanded to be printed by Holy Father John Paul II on March 25, 1983), which responded through a reordering of chants to the needs of those who carry out the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours in Latin, has already been celebrated. After that edition, a thorough work has been undertaken of melodical restoration of antiphons, a number of which were restored according to old, forgotten manuscript mediaeval sources. Now this repertory of chant merits to be employed in the Divine Office according to the Roman Liturgy, as the Fathers of the OEcumical Council Vatican II have commanded: «Let the treasure of sacred music be preserved and promoted with extreme care.» (SC 114) Hence, this congregation, according to the powers granted by Holy Father Benedict XVI, taking into account the work prepared by the monks of Solesmes, and having heard the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music as well, approved the introduction of several changes concerning antiphons and responsories in the version of the Order for Singing the Office currently in force. This dicastery will be in charge of making public law the aforementioned changes and ammendments. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding.

    From the headquarters of the Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments, October 2, 2008, Memory of the Holy Guardian Angels.

    + Francis Card. Arinze

    + Albert Malcolm Ranjith
    Secretary Archbishop
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    Well, not quite superseded, just amended: the Congregation "approved the introduction of some variations of some antiphons and responsories in the current edition of the Ordo cantus Officii. This Dicastery will see to it that the aforementioned variations and additions are made public law."

    So, if I'm reading this aright, there are to be new options (variationes) in the Ordo cantus Officii; and the CDWDS will take steps, presumably by issuing a document, to make the additions to the OCO public law, so that anyone can use them, not just Solesmes.
  • mine is supposed to arrive on Monday. I'll iphone image it and post and then post some comments.
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    I received mine yesterday. It is a very handsome volume, bound in red and printed cleanly in black and red ink. The sections are as follows:

    Proprium de tempore:
    - Advent, Nativity to Epiphany with feast days etc, Lent, Passion week, Triduum, Easter season.
    Tempus per Annum:
    -Magnificat antiphons listed separately for years A, B, and C, Concluding prayers for Ordinary Sundays, Solemnities of the Lord.
    - 4-week psalter with hymns, antiphons, pointed psalms, canticles, readings, short responsories, and intercessions.
    Propers of the Saints
    Office of the dead
    Common tones
    -Deus in adiutorium, Psalm tones, Solemn intonations, tone for sung reading, responsories, intercessions, prayers, concluding rituales (blessings, dismissals, Benedicamos Domino)
    -Pointed Magnificat in all tones, alternative hymn tunes for Pange lingua and Vexilla regis
    Alphabetical index
    -Antiphons, Hymns, Responsories, Various

    Overall I like the book very much. It provides everything you need to sing I or II Vespers for all Sundays and major feasts throughout the year. It provides all the antiphons (yay!) and hymns. It also provides tones for the New Testament Canticles and General Intercessions which are completely new to the Liturgy of the Hours and did not exist traditionally.

    Some possible down sides:
    As you might have been able to tell above, everything is spread out around the book so that to use this book by itself to sing Vespers requires a LOT of page flipping. All the psalms are pointed for their appropriate psalm tones, but the tones are only listed near the back. So if you don't have them memorized (alternative endings and all) you have to look them up each time. This is definitely an Antiphonale and not a streamlined one-volume Liturgy of the Hours like the Mundelein Psalter.

    For the Gospel Canticle at II Vespers on Sundays in Ordinary Time, there is no antiphon given. Instead, it is all written out with all of the sung Alleluias inserted, one tone for weeks I and II, another for weeks II and IV. Could someone translate this short direction?
    Tempore per annum, canticum Novi Testamenti canitur modo responsoriali, cum Alleluia.

    Aliis temporibus, canticum Novi Testamenti canitur modo troparii, cum Alleluia et antiphona.

    As I've heard described elsewhere, this volume lacks any of the Solesmes rhythmic markings (ictus, episema, virtually no dotted punctums). There are also the "new" neumes and notehead shapes as I believe was used in the Liber Hymnarius. Does anybody know of a concise guide to interpreting this new notation?

    Overall, I recommend this volume as a necessary resource for anybody interesting in singing a traditional Sunday Vespers according to the Liturgy of the Hours.
  • awruff
    Posts: 94
    Dan F,
    During Ordinary Time, the New Testament canticle is sung in responsorial manner with Alleluia.
    During other seasons, the New Testament canticle is sung in the manner of a trope, with Alleluia and antiphon.
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    Thank you, Father Ruff!

    Is this a change from Liturgia Horarum? All the other books I have include an antiphon for ordinary time as well.
  • There are also the "new" neumes and notehead shapes as I believe was used in the Liber Hymnarius. Does anybody know of a concise guide to interpreting this new notation?

    According to the description of the book at the Solesmes website "at the end of the book, a chapter explains in detail the rules of song from each of these genres." I can imagine that this will be somewhat similar in style to the guides to singing or "rules for interpretation" that have appeared in similar books like the Liber Usualis and Liber Hymnarius. It will be most interesting to have this guide available in English translation!
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > Is this a change from Liturgia Horarum?

    Yes: in Liturgia Horarum there is always an antiphon. But:

    In the 1983 Ordo Cantus Officii the Salus et gloria canticle (Apoc. 19, 1-2.5-7) never had an antiphon: «In all seasons except Lent, the Salus et Gloria canticle is sung in responsorial manner with Alleluia.» (p. [54]410) (And during Lent, the 1 Peter canticle is sung instead of the Salus et Gloria.)
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    A question: does the book include Vespers for Maundy (Holy) Thursday and Good (Holy) Friday? Or are these ommitted because of being prayed only by those who do not attend the Evening celebrations, and thus seldom celebrated in chant? (This was what the Ordo Cantus Officii did.)
  • Gilbert
    Posts: 106
    I received my copy today!

    dvalerio, the answer to your question is YES, the new book contains vespers of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

    I've been looking at the layout of the antiphons. It seems sometimes it agrees with the Ordo Cantus Officii, and not with the Liturgia Horarum, sometimes the other way around. Many times, the Ordo Cantus Officii, Antiphonale Romanum, and the Liturgia Horarum all disagree.

    I'm wondering what exactly the status is of the new book. Certainly since it's been published and being sold, it can be used to sing the Office. Is it the case that one can no longer use the OCO? Is there some sort of grace period in which either one can be used? Will they both always be approved options?

    Anyway, it is a marvelous book, which I've been waiting for for a long time!
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > Is it the case that one can no longer use the OCO?

    I believe the answer is in the Decree at the beginning of the book, transcribed and translated some posts above: the book embodies some changes and additions recently introduced in the Ordo Cantus Officii.
  • The Decree "de variationibus quibusdam in editionem typicam Ordinis cantus Officii inducendis", dated Oct. 2, 2008 approves the changes of the antiphons and responsories in the 1983 OCO.
    Theses changes are present in the book that has just been published.
    Solesmes is publishing the Antiphonale at the request of the Congregation for Divine Worship.
    The Antiphonale sums in the same book, the contents of Liber Hymnarius and the new Antiphons.
    I think that Vol. I is in preparation and will contain the Lauds for Sundays and Feastdays.
    Fr. Pierre
  • Gilbert
    Posts: 106
    Several times in the Antiphonale, such as on the Third Sunday of Lent, II Vespers, the Antiphons for the Magnificat are printed as such in this order: "ANNO A", "Vel, ad libitum", "ANNO B", ANNO C".

    My question is this: Is the "Vel, ad libitum" antiphon intended to be an option in Year A? Or is it meant to be an Ad Libitum for any of the years in the 3-year cycle? I had first thought it was only an option in year A, because of the way it follows in the book, but then I started to notice that every time an "Ad Libitum" appears with the Magnificat Antiphons, it's located right after Year A, and only after Year A, which makes me think maybe they are intending the Ad Libitum to be for any of the 3 years? Does anyone know for sure?

  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    Gilbert, I do not know, but I agree with your interpretation. It was listed in the 1983 OCO as simply an option other than the Year A, B and C antiphons, and if it is truly "ad libitum" then why limit it to only year A?
  • Dan, Gilbert,

    you will find the answer if you look at the Gospel for each year:
    Year A: The Gospel is John 4, 5-42, Jesus and the Samaritan Women near Jacob's well.
    Year B: The Gospel is John 2, 13-25, the Purification of the Temple
    Year C: The Gospel is Luke 13, 1-9, "If you do not repent, you will all perish as they did".

    The Lectionary says that the readings for Year A may be used as alternative readings.

    Now if you look at the Antiphons proposed, you find:
    A: Mulier, venient dies quando veri adoratores adorabunt Patrem in Spiritu et veritate. John 4, 23
    vel, ad libitum: Domine, ut video, propheta est tu; patres nostri in monte hoc adoraverunt.
    B: Scriptum est enim quia domus mea domus orationis est cunctis gentibus; vos autem fecistis illam speluncam latronum. Et era cotidie docens in templo. John 4, 19-20
    C: Peccata mea, Domine, sicut sagittae infixa sunt in me; sed antequam vulnera generent in me, sana me, Domine, medicamento paenitentiae, Deus.

    As you can see, the antiphons are taken from the Gospel of each year, or have a strong link to it.

    So, the ad libitum antiphon refers only to the Gospel of Year A. Both antiphons "Mulier, venient" and "Domine, ut video", are taken from that same Gospel.

    For Year C: the antiphon is not taken from the Gospel, but it is a prayer for healing from sin, and has a strong link to the Gospel of year C.

    Please, excuse my bad english... it is not my first language.

    Have a Blessed Lent.

    Fr. Pierre
  • Gilbert
    Posts: 106

    I'm a little confused about what you're trying to say. Since the Gospel of Year A can be used in any year, does that mean the Year A magnificat antiphon, and the Ad Libitum antiphon can be used any year as well? Or can the Year A and Ad Libitum antiphons be used only in Year A, despite the fact that it's corresponding Gospel at Mass can be used in year B and C also?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    The norms for chant in the Ordo Cantus Missae say (para. 19) that if a reading is transferred, antiphons related to it ought to be brought with them. I have no info on whether the same rule applies to the Office.
  • If you read the Readings of Year A, then you take the Magnificat Antiphon of year A or the ad libitum Antiphon for year A. Both of them are related to the Gospel of Year A. Even if you are in Year B or C, but you read at Mass the Readings of Year A, then you take the Antiphon for year A, or the Ad libitum Antiphon.
    If you read the Gospel of Year B, then you sign the Antiphon of Year B, and so on for year C.

    Fr. P.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    If Mass readings from year A are used in year B or C, the corresponding Benedictus and Magnificat antiphons from year A are used as well. Otherwise the Benedictus and Magnificat antiphons of year B or C are used.
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    Here's a copy of 2nd Vespers for the First Sunday in Lent (Year C). I just finished updating the antiphons to match the Antiphonale Romanum II. I also used the tone for the sung intercessions and the option of singing the Benedicamus Domino. We'll be singing this tomorrow.
    1 Lent II Vespers.pdf
  • May I reengage the question of why one would pray the LotH in Latin?

    Gilbert says:

    1. You are unable to use the Traditional Rite because those in charge, such as a pastor, is not open to it.
    Reply: I suspect in this situation, the pastor would also not be open to Latin at all.

    2. Most people who pray the office use the newer form, so they're more familiar with it.
    Reply: I wonder how many pray it in Latin

    3. Maybe? Isn't the newer Vespers a little bit shorter? Maybe people are more open to going if it takes 20 minutes as opposed to 30?
    Reply: Perhaps, but the arbitrary changes to the liturgy weaken it (see Dobzay on this) and what's 10 minutes if you took the time to go to the service. BTW our EF Solemn Vespers take about 40.

    4. It's in line with the newer Calendar, so if one goes to Sunday Mass in the newer Form, then they won't be confused.
    Reply: I'll accept this point, but somewhere in the future it will be moot, I suspect

    5. The hymn texts have been restored to their original forms.
    Reply: Easy enough to borrow them for the EF ; -) then. Keep in mind that the 1962 restriction on the Mass does not apply to the Office for the laity.

    Of course everyone here knows that I just can't abide the Vat2 Office. It is the greatest rupture in the entire liturgy and I won't be a willing participant in that. I completely understand the reasons for the translated hours, but not in Latin.
  • It is sad to see people spreading their lack of sensus Ecclesiae. It is obviously an unfortunate Summorum Pontificum side effect.

    Maybe people should reread Sacrosanctum Concilium and understand why Antiphonale Romanum II fullfils what he Council wanted (even if not perfect)

    SC 91: "So that it may really be possible in practice to observe the course of the hours proposed in Art. 89, the psalms are no longer to be distributed throughout one week, but through some longer period of time."

    SC 101: "In accordance with the centuries-old tradition of the Latin rite, the Latin language is to be retained by clerics in the divine office." (despite the following "But in individual cases the ordinary has the power of granting the use of a vernacular translation to those clerics for whom the use of Latin constitutes a grave obstacle to their praying the office properly.")

    SC 117. "The typical edition of the books of Gregorian chant is to be completed; and a more critical edition is to be prepared of those books already published since the restoration by St. Pius X."

    Of course, the divine office might change in the future, but until it does, there is a law in the Church and it shall be applied.
  • But you sort of make my point (and Dobzay's) that new office (as stated in SC 91) was built for clerics to read in their busy days. It is a resurrection of the spirit of the Quiñones breviary that was rejected strongly by Trent.

    My sensus ecclesiae is just fine, thank you. For those things that bind me as a layman, I am observant. The Vat2 office does not bind me and no legislation has abrogated the Tridentine office (in any form prior to 1962 as I read things).

    I know that many are tired of hearing my rantings against the LotH, so I'll cool it, but I am surprised that so many here would so gladly work with this liturgical rupture. This a completely new office and has very little to do with the centuries-old Roman Rite. I hope and pray that the Spirit intercedes here, but I'll leave it alone for now. I'm late for Terce.
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    At this point, the sensus ecclesiae should include Pope Benedict's permission for even clerics to use the old office. The law now permits it.
  • Thank you, Dr Marht. I didn't realize that clergy could now use the pre-conciliar form to satisfy their obligations. That is encouraging.
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    The ARII has some psalm tones that I am not familiar with (Tonus II*, Tonus C, Tonus D and Tonus E). These are not alternate termination formula, but actually separate tones. Is this the first time they've been published, or are they used elsewhere?
  • RobertRobert
    Posts: 343
    @Dan F. - They appear in the Graduale Simplex (I believe that this was their first appearance) and in the new Antiphonale Monasticum.
  • Marcel
    Posts: 13
    It is quite strange that the decree of approbation for "a few changes in the Ordo Cantus Officii", printed in the first pages of the Vesperbook of Solesmes, mentions that this has been done "consulto Pontificio Instituto de Musica Sacra".
    Usually, consultors are not mentioned. In this case, the notice is still more surprising. Because the teacher of Gregorian Chant in that school is... the same monk, who in name of Solesmes presented the project to the Congregation for approbation.
    So, the Congregation of Divine Worship checked the quality of the project by asking the same man who presented it. Very serious! I guess the Congregation never got such a positive advice!
  • Marcel
    Posts: 13