Dear Sir
the Vesperal for Sundays and feats according Lituriga Horarum will be available in Solesmes editions next wek.
For Laud you will have to be patient.
Daniel Saulnier
Vespers Sing Sunday in Gregorian chant, and according to the present liturgy is finally possible, nearly thirty years after the publication of Liturgy Horarum.
The Antiphonale Romanum II is a book of 800 pages of paper bible, the usual format of books of Gregorian chant at Solesmes. The volume is adorned with a beautiful cover skai marble, an elegant dark red, reinforced backs, and two favorites, touge and gold.
The book contains all the elements necessary to singing of Vespers for Sundays and festivals of the year. That is to say, hymns, antiphons, psalms and hymns, readings, short-responses, prayers of intercession and the concluding prayers. At the end of the book, a chapter explains in detail the rules of song from each of these genres.
The book follows the provisions of the Liturgy of the Hours, by using the wealth of content Gregorian chant in medieval manuscripts and the later tradition. The proposed melodies are edited in accordance with the requirements of the critical current musicology.
These melodies are presented in their pastoral edition is tailored to the needs of amateur choirs: all the verses of hymns are noted, and pointed to the letterpress each verse adaptation of the psalm tones.
In accordance with the wishes of Vatican II (Sacrosanctum Concilium n. 100) is by editing the volume of Vespers for Sundays and festivals that began publication of Antiphonale Romanum.
Prot. N. 743/08/L
de variationibus quibusdam
in editionem typicam Ordinis cantus Officii inducendis
Iam vigesimum quintum celebratur iubilæum editionis typicæ Ordinis cantus Officii, die 25 mensis martii anno 1983 de Summi Pontificis Ioannis Pauli PP. II mandato prælo datæ, quæ nova sua ratione in cantibus disponendis necessitatibus eorum respondit, qui celebrationem Liturgiæ Horarum lingua latina peragunt.
Post editionem illam amplum opus melodicæ instaurationis antiphonarum peractum est, quod antiquos oblitos fontes manuscriptos sicut et congruum Mediæ Ætatis numerum restituit antiphonarum, quæ etiamdum repertorium cantuum in Officio Divino Liturgiæ Romanæ adhibitum ditari valent, iuxta mandata Patrum Concilii Œcumenici Vaticani II: «Thesaurus musicæ sacræ summa cura servetur et foveatur» (Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 114).
Proinde, hæc Congregatio, vigore facultatum a Summo Pontifice BENEDICTO XVI tributarum, attento opere a Solesmensibus Monachis parato, necnon consulto Pontificio Instituto de Musica Sacra, introductionem variationum quarundam quoad antiphonas et responsoria in editionem vigentem Ordinis cantus Officii approbavit. Curæ erit huic Dicasterio, ut supradictæ variationes et additiones publici iuris fiant.
Contrariis quibuslibet minime obstantibus.
Ex ædibus Congreationis de Culto Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum, die 2 mensis octobris 2008, in memoria Ss. Angelorum Custodum.
+ Franciscus Card. Arinze
+ Albertus Malcolmus Ranjith
Archiepiscopus a Secretis
Tempore per annum, canticum Novi Testamenti canitur modo responsoriali, cum Alleluia.
Aliis temporibus, canticum Novi Testamenti canitur modo troparii, cum Alleluia et antiphona.
There are also the "new" neumes and notehead shapes as I believe was used in the Liber Hymnarius. Does anybody know of a concise guide to interpreting this new notation?
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