youth choirs in Atlanta, GA?
  • my daughter is 12 (7th grade). She has been singing at our parish choirs since she was in 5th grade. Do you know/recommend any good youth choirs in Atlanta, GA? I already checked out Spivey Hall and Callonwolde's websites... I was hoping to find a catholic choir... thanks!
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,201
    Well, you can come and sing with me. But my girl choir is in its first year of existence.
    The only other specifically "girl" group is at the Cathedral. There are other parish groups, but they are mixed.

    My girls are learning to read neumes and are learning according to a combination of methodologies (Ward, Kodaly , and good ole' solfege), among other things. But we have a long way to go. Click on my name and drop me an e-mail. I can help you.
  • In addition, there is the Atlanta Archdiocesan Youth Choir Festival which holds two annual all day festival in February and a week long choir camp in June. For more info:
  • Hi MMZ, thanks for bringing up the ArchYCF... I have heard of it, but was not aware of the February event... I will check into it!