Marian Votive Antiphons from the PBC
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    We have been singing the Marian Votive Antiphons from the Parish Book of Chant at the end of our EF Mass every Sunday for over a year now, and an interesting question arose concerning when to start singing "Ave Regina Caelorum".

    The PBC says to use it "Feb. 3 - Holy Week"; however, our priest said that it should begin with Septuagesima Sunday.

    Is this a EF/OF Calendar issue, or is there something more authoritative?

    Not that it matters that much - we're just happy to be singing it at all!!!

    As a footnote - we used the Solemn Tone "Salve Regina" as a motet in various places throughout the last 5 months preceding Advent, and it was truly wonderful. We didn't have time to even look at the Solemn Tone "Alma Redemptoris Mater", but has anyone used the ST for either "Ave Regina Caelorum" or "Regina Caeli"?
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > Is this a EF/OF Calendar issue, or is there something more authoritative?

    No... In the EF the Marian antiphon is said at the end of the daily office according to the season, and the change from Alma Redemptoris Mater to Ave Regina Coelorum is indeed on February 2 (the Presentation).

    In the OF you sing Regina coeli during Easter Time (just as in the EF) and during the rest of the year you sing any of the following: Alma Redemptoris Mater, Ave Regina Coelorum, Salve Regina, Sub tuum praesidium, Ave Maria. (There are some hints in the breviary such as, it would be better to sing Ave Regina Coelorum on August 15, the Assumption; but these indications are not compulsory.)

    I am unaware of any rule relating these antiphons with Septuagesima.

    (Things are different, btw, in other uses of the Roman Rite, such as the Rite of Braga, in which the Marian antiphon is also said at the end of the Mass, but the antiphons are different; if you're curious you can check the Ordinary of the Mass e.g. here.)
  • " indeed on January 2 (the Presentation)." which dvalerio meant February, of course.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    Sorry for the mistake and thanks for pointing it out. I already corrected my post.

    > has anyone used the ST for either "Ave Regina Caelorum" or "Regina Caeli"?

    Only in my private prayers and they both sound great. The solemn tone of Ave Regina Caelorum is not difficult and is far more beautiful than the simple tone.
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    Thanks, Duarte, we'll take a look at it.