Director of Music - Midland TX
  • St. Stephen's Catholic Church in West Texas is seeking a Catholic candidate as Director of our Music program (part time or full time). Requirements include Bachelor's Degree in music or related field; keyboard proficiency; good vocal skills; choral directing experience with adult, children and youth choirs. This person prepares weekly and seasonal liturgies; planning of sacramental celebrations and leading choirs. Salary depends upon experience and qualifications. Send resume, three references with your complete home/address/phone/email address to: Dennis Robson, SFO Pastoral Associate, St. Stephen's Catholic Church, 4601 Neely Avenue, Midland, Texas 79707 or by email to
  • #1 they don't respond to applications submitted, even after a follow up inquiry. #2 when I open a church website to their music page and see nothing but guitars, electric and otherwise, blue jean-wearing people with hands in the air and somebody beating on a spinet pyanee, there's a big problem. That may be exactly why it was open and filled not long ago and now open yet again.
  • The next time I try to be helpful and post job openings, would someone just shoot me?

  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    If I'm a priest, Te Deum's comments would REALLY make me want to post my job listing here.

    Really, can we PLEASE not shoot this in the foot?
  • Caviat....check things out VERY carefully here. Unless the pastor has changed his ways, this is not a parish for those who want to do lots of "high" church music and Gregorian Chant..... I worked with this guy in Odessa many years ago. Just chek into this before applying. You may contact me offlist if you wish: