Please extend the "time out" limit. Too short and I lose whatever I've written.
  • Mr. Z
    Posts: 159
    I find that writing involved responses to weightier subjects, where one would want to be precise and thoughtful, this website "times me out" (need to re- sign in) time and again, and all that was written is just gone, poof. I don't write that slowly either - the "time out" is just too short, whatever it is.

    Anyone else experience the same problem?
  • JamJam
    Posts: 636
    When you sign in, check the "remember me" box, and it won't log you out until you log yourself out.
  • Mr. Z
    Posts: 159
    Thanks. Still, just one more 'to do.'
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Never trust cyberspace with your precious belabored posts. Once you are ready to post copy your thoughts to the clipboard of your ram memory BEFORE you hit that ADD YOUR COMMENTS button. If you get an error as we all often do then you sill have your valued thoughts and time spent hanging on your clipboard. Hope this helps.
  • Mr. Z
    Posts: 159
    Yes, Francis, and thanks, and whenever I remember I do this. Sometimes though, it is just hit the "Add your comments" button, and AAUGHHHRR!!!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Well, at least for your posts that are well crafted.
  • Mr. Z
    Posts: 159

    if that indeed be the case, it is because I wrote 'em, and wrote 'em again. (and again, and again...).