Chant Workshop in Tampa - December
  • I am presenting a workshop on December 8 for beginners in Gregorian Chant as part of the "Scholars' Forum" at the Franciscan Center in Tampa (, and would be grateful for help from my friends at the CMAA in making this opportunity known. Here is the announcement from the Center:

    SCHOLARS' FORUM: "Gregorian Chant for Everyone"
    Larry Kent, Ph.D.
    December 8 - Tuesday, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

    A workshop with the Music Director of Florida Pro Musica on singing this beautiful music from the Middle Ages. The ability to read music is not necessary, nor is a trained or beautiful voice. Participants will get a brief historical introduction to the role of Gregorian chant in the early Christian Church, but the emphasis will be on singing. Register by: December 4 Cost: $20

    The Franciscan Center is at 3010 Perry Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33603
    Ph: (813) 229-2695 Fx: (813) 228-0748 Email: francntr [at] tampabay [dot] rr [dot] com

    Larry Kent, Music Director
    Florida Pro Musica
    LarryKent [at] hotmail [dot] com
  • mjballoumjballou
    Posts: 994
    I'll put it up on my blog Sacred Miscellany in case there are any Tampa area readers. I did something similar in Jacksonville about 18 months ago. The more we do this, the more people will know that chant isn't just a museum artifact.
  • Thanks, MJ!! I agree...just need to keep chipping away, I guess.

    Missed you in Ft Lauderdale last spring...hope it works next time. LK