As part of a project, I put together the chants of the Ordo Missae. See this booklet. A translation of the texts is still missing, but this may be added at a later stage.
Do you think this is usefull for the assembly? Any suggestions for improvement are welcome!
> My sole suggestion would be the inclusion of the sung «Confiteor».
I have been looking for a sung Confiteor. I know of the sung version in the Liber Usualis (1962), pp. 110-111 but here, of course, the Fratres ... and the Misereatur are missing. I would love to add the Confiteor; does someone have a complete musical setting?
This is gorgeous! Did you typeset this all yourself? It looks like Gregorio, am I right?
A question for you--This booklet begins on page 376--Is this part of a larger work that you're assembling? Is this something that you might consider open sourcing for others to benefit from also?
Yes, I'm using Gregorio, although I always make some small adjustments afterwards using Illustrator.
The Ordo Missae is part of a Dutch version of the Graduale Simplex. This work is still in its initial phase; it isn't complete by far and I didn't find a publisher yet either. I'm also working on a section with cantus varii, which I will post here when it's finished.
I was wondering - in my experience the version of the Asperges that you print is used less often than the more ornate version; in fact I have never heard the version you print sung at mass (although I have seen it in the chant books). Is the one you included used more often where you live?
Dear Steven, Did you remove this file? The link no longer seems to be working. I am in a situation where I need to put together a complete booklet for the Ordinary Form in Latin (Roman Canon only) and it would help to have something to work with. Thank you! Peter
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