Question about singing the traditional Vespers for the Dead
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    I'm starting a tradition where I teach of singing the traditional vespers from the Office for the Dead on the first Friday of each month. The order from the book "Mass and Vespers" is nicely complete, but I'm not sure of how to sing a few of the prayers. After the Magnificat, the Pater Noster is said mostly in silence but the end (Et ne nos... Sed libera nos...) is written chanted with notes provided. However, the verses with responses that follow have no notation. Do they follow the same pattern? Sung recto tono? Recited?

    Also, where can I fine the tone for the final prayer and Requiem aeternam... Et lux perpetua... ?

    I could just make it up, but of course I'd to follow the tradition if there is one.