Is there a Penitential Rite on All Souls Day?
  • daniel
    Posts: 75
    I don't know why, but for some reason I seem to remember that there is not a Penitential Rite on All Souls. Is that correct? If it is, can someone direct me to the source?
  • BGP
    Posts: 216
    I think you're thinking of the funeral Mass in the OF the sprinkling of the casket 'replaces' the penitential rite. I don't like it but that's beside the point. I wouldent think it applys to all souls
  • If so, it would exclude the Faure Requiem we are singing on that day! The Introit and Kyrie are part of the same movement (with the EF in mind, of course)
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205

    See this discussion re: Faure. I still don't know how my pastor is organizing all the liturgy for Monday, but we're doing Faure too.
  • Donnaswan
    Posts: 585
    But we do the Faure as part of Vespers and Necrology, not a Mass. We do all of the Requiem up to the In Paradisum. Then read names of dead of the Diocese, then finish up with the In Paradisum and a closing prayer.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    There is no rubric in the 2002 Missale Romanum saying that the Penitential Rite should be ommitted.
  • Donnaswan, How do you include the Kyrie, Sanctus and Agnus in Vespers?