Attention all who download chant
  • For all those who enjoy the great luxury of downloading your chant from the internet, which takes minutes or seconds, consider the past. Consider the sufferings of the scribes. Consider that there was a time when you could not have your own edition to hold but rather would sing from large editions posted on massive music stands. While that is good for posture, there are limits of course.

    But do we appreciate the luxuries that our technologies allow us? Are we taking full advantage of the treasures that are right at our fingertips? Do we consider the amazing suffering and time put into preservation?

    Here is the choir I just visited. I suppose the older monks sat closer due to failing eyesight, while the novices were further away. The image is San Estaban convent, Salamanca.

  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    totally amazing!
  • Yeah, well, technology or not, my computer room looks nothing like that.

    Besides which, they had it all memorized, something else I can't compete with.
  • right. So I'm wrong. the novices sat close and the old guys could sit far away!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,871
    That is just so cool. I bet they have those in heaven.
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    "the novices sat close and the old guys could sit far away!"

    That's the reason Guido should the patron saint of the youth culture that poisons society;o)

    Any kind of writing, of generally understood mnemonic system, makes it possible for young whippersnappers to do almost instantly that which previously relied on knowledge that had to be handed down orally, that which their seniors required decades of life experience to acquire.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)