Appropriate music for the month of Novemeber
  • frater
    Posts: 16
    Since the month of November is dedicated to the souls in purgatory, can anybody recommend an SATB pieces to do for both the Offertory and Communion in the Extraordinary Form? Preferably Renaissance first. Or at least the names of the pieces so I could look them up. Thank you in advance.
  • Chrism
    Posts: 878
    In general, you can look up appropriate titles on CPDL by the incipits of the chants of the Requiem Mass and the antiphons and Psalms of the Office for the Dead. Languentibus, Congregati sunt, Beati mortui, Pie Jesu, and the penitential Psalms, are also recommended.
  • frater
    Posts: 16
    Thank you, Chrism for you wonderful suggestions.l I will use them.