Gregorian Chant Summer Courses in Collegeville. MN
  • This summer, Fr. Anthony Ruff, OSB, is teaching two Gregorian chant courses for Saint John's School of Theology•Seminary in Collegeville, MN. These are a wonderful resource for liturgical musicians interested in gaining skills in Gregorian chant and growing in their understanding of its use in the modern liturgy. Detailed descriptions of the two courses are below. More information about our school is available at As Director of Marketing and Communications for Saint John’s School of Theology•Seminary, I invite you all to consider taking these courses as a part of your ongoing ministerial formation. To apply, contact our Admission Office at For more information about the course content, contact Fr. Anthony Ruff, OSB, at

    Gregorian Chant I (1 credit, July 20-23)
    Introduction to Gregorian Chant: historical development, notation, rhythm, accompaniment, Latin pronunciation, rehearsal techniques, use in the modern liturgy. Some knowledge of the basics of music theory are expected.

    Gregorian Chant II (1 credit, July 23-26)
    A practical seminar on singing Gregorian chant well. Advanced study of early notation (St. Gall and Metz schools) as found in the Graduale Triplex, for the purpose of semiological rhythmic nuance. Discussion of practical issues of chant performance in the liturgy, such as selection of chants, rehearsal techniques, vocal techniques, and other information.

    Thank you!
    Rose Beauclair
    Director of Marketing and Communications
    Saint John's School of Theology•Seminary
  • awruff
    Posts: 94
    Dear friends of chant,

    So many wonderful chant offerings in so many places this summer! If you haven't been able to partake of the other offerings, you might well wish to come to Collegeville the week of July 20 - 26. Spread the word!

    Fr. Anthony Ruff, OSB
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    It was my pleasure to work with two former students of these classes, and they were both excellent and well informed! They were also very kind to put up with my direction after having experienced chant under a master such as Fr Ruff.
  • Jan
    Posts: 242
    I took Fr. Ruff's advanced Gregorian Chant summer course a few years ago. It's terrific! Fr. Ruff is a wonderful teacher. The course
    syllabus (a large binder full of goodies) is a gold mine of chant resource materials. And the campus music library is brimming with fabulous polyphonic treasures just waiting to be photocopied. Try it, you'll like it.
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 766
    Jan wrote:

    And the campus music library is brimming with fabulous polyphonic treasures just waiting to be photocopied.

    And as you're on a course, it's for educational purposes!