Vespers Booklet
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    We are singing Vespers for Christ the King. Not the evening before, but the Second Vespers for the evening of the feast day. I am looking for a booklet that contains the music and readings, and it must be in English. Does anyone know of a booklet/handout that is commercially available? Of course, free is always good, if such exists.
  • rwprof
    Posts: 25
    Second Vespers? How can one have more than one Vespers per day?

    (Because we have weekday Vespers, and of course, Great Vespers on Saturday evenings, a couple of our chanters got together and published a Vespers booklet for use in our parish -- and being chanters, they published large-print versions for use at the kliros. Course, one of those wouldn't help you.)
  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    First Vespers is the Vigil of a solemnity and second Vespers is the Vespers for the solemnity. So there's a First Vespers for Assumption (on August 14) and a Second Vespers on Assumption (August 15).
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    Exactly, and we are having Second Vespers on Christ the King. Or, as it seems to be called in many places these days, evening prayer. Some time ago, some choir members devised a booklet with English text and music. However, it has errors in it and we are looking for a replacement.
  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    I've made several of these, but of course they vary from day to day. I'm attaching an example of one I've done and can send you the Word template for doing it.

    The main work is pointing the psalms.

    The psalm tones I used might not be what you want, but you could easily cut and paste the Meinrad tones, or tones from the Psalm Tone sheet on the CMAA website, and paste those into the Word document. If you do that, select the tone you want, then magnify the PDF to about 400%, then hit copy, and then paste it into Word.

    [A more elegant method is to paste it into a Photoshop-like program, then go to the image size settings and change the dpi to 300 and the width to 4 inches, then expert as a TIFF or JPG and then paste it into Word.]

    For the hymn, you could do something similar with a public domain setting of some CtK hymn.

    Let me know if I can be of assistance.

    Oh, as for "Evening Prayer," "Night Prayer," and the like -- fight the power!
    9-17-09 Vespers Booklet-Revised.pdf
  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    Oops. I just re-read your initial comment. You were looking for something more "plug and play." I'll leave this up anyway in case it's useful to someone else.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    Thanks, since it does give me some ideas. I would still like to find something published that I could purchase. If nothing is available, I may have to create my own booklet.