Music Director, St. Ignatius Catholic Church, Mount Horeb, WI
  • St. Ignatius Catholic Church, 109 South 6th Street, Mt. Horeb, WI (608-798-4644). Seeking 3/4-time Director of Music knowledgeable in the Church’s tradition of Sacred Music and able to implement it in a parish environment. Two smallish parishes: one parish of 580 families and smaller parish of 240 families. New music graduates knowledgeable in Catholic Sacred Music especially encouraged to apply. Responsibilities include: pipe organ (4 weekend Masses), two adult choirs, organist for men’s schola, funerals (with choir), weddings, holy days. Salary and benefits appropriate to small-town parish. Email résumé, references, and salary requirements to: Fr. Richard Heilman at or fax to (608-798-2112). Complete job description available upon request.
  • dad29
    Posts: 2,233
    Having spent more than 30 years in HR, I think Fr. Heilman would be WELL-advised to drop that "New music graduates..." descriptor.
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    Why, Dad 29? it implies an age bias thing?

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    or that they really don't have the resources to pay someone who is really experienced? (I really am just guessing, and would be very curious to hear why.)
  • HR means nothing in a Catholic Diocese. Nothing. Maybe less than nothing. And justice!
  • dad29
    Posts: 2,233
    It is easily interpretable as age-discrimination.

    What Father wants is someone who will work for little pay. He could say that instead of entice EEOC.
  • priorstf
    Posts: 460
    Our DM is in her ... well ... VERY upper 30s and will finish work on her Master's degree next year some time. That will make her a "new music graduate". There is nothing in Father Heilman's posting that implies any sort of prejudice or disregard for equal employment opportunity. Perhaps he's responding to the need, occasionally discussed here, to provide employment for new graduates soas to encourage people to enter the field. Or would like to be a part of those individuals' formation in the real-world application of their academic credentials. Or it's an entry-level position. Or. Or. Or. None of us knows, so the kneejerk reaction to attack a priest's offering of employment to a church musician seems out of place.

    If you want the job, apply.
  • Hello all,

    This is Fr. Heilman. Thank you, priorstf. I must confess a bit of plagiarism. If you were to read Fr. Pius' post from Zanesville, OH (3 posts prior to this one), you will see that it is almost word for word, with a couple necessary changes, to the post I placed here. And, if you read the comments after his post, you will see very positive responses. I am from the school of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Fr. Pius had such great success posting in the way he did and, like Fr. Pius' situation, we are not a Cathedral parish that can afford high end salaries, so I rather hoped I might gain similar results as Fr. Pius did in his search. I have to say I was quite taken aback by the stark contrasts in the comments I was getting versus Fr. Pius'. I assumed this forum, if any forum would be, a friendly forum. I will continue to pray for a return of more of the sacred in our Masses, and that we get there in a spirit of charitable civility. Thanks, again, priorstf.
  • My apologies Fr. We've never really known precisely how to handle comments on job postings. Probably the admins need to be more active.
  • Thanks, Jeffrey ... I just hope anyone still feels inclined to forward their resume.

    Thanks, so much, for all you do.
  • dad29
    Posts: 2,233
    Actually, I'm trying to be 1) civil, and 2) Cassandra. I saw the earlier post and was taken aback, but didn't bother to comment. Frankly, I don't care of Fr. H. becomes subject to an investigation by EEOC, but I thought I'd be a nice guy and suggest that he re-phrase his advertisement.

    What's that old saying about killing a messenger....?
  • dad29
    Posts: 2,233
    And, by the way, I wrote employment ads for about 10 years. I'm well aware of what can and cannot be said---prudently.
  • Your job description is eerily familiar... :)
  • Yes, you are correct. It was not possible to improve on perfection ;-)

    I am happy to announce we filled the position. We could not be more happy. Thank you, MusicaSacra for helping all of us find each other!